Damn, it’s February already. How did that happen?? (Actually – I have been extremely busy working on a new project which I hope to share with you soon). Sorry to keep you waiting for this post.
December 2013 was another MASSIVE month in Melbourne, a great way to end the year.
Darbotz, an Indonesian street artist, visited Melbourne in December and put together this great little video.
Adnate painted Strike Bowling in Macquarie in association with Red Bull. A great video by Michael Danischewski. Adnate’s photo realism is just amazing.
Wonderwalls, a 3 day street art and graffiti festival up north in Wollongong looked awesome, featuring a great line up of Australian and International artists. From Melbourne Shida, Wonderlust, Adnate, Two One, Idiot and Sirum.
Wonderwalls Festival 2013 from The Hours on Vimeo.
Backwoods Gallery had their last show “A Study of Hands” for 2013 and it was a cracker, continuing on in the anatomy series – which will apparently continue over ten years – epic. I particularly liked works by Dave Kinsey and Lister.
Alex Mitchell, Curator of Backwoods Gallery and writer for The Opening Hours was back in Melbourne for the month. Alex did some great studio visits with Two One, Miso and Ghostpatrol. Some great, intimate photos.

Everyone’s been talking about this abando and I can see why. David Russell managed to find his way in and capture some amazing work. I really love Slicer’s geometrical shapes filled with his signature slices, as well as Deams, and Rashe’s pieces. All of this work feels so at home in this place. I do love abandos! More here.

David Russell captured some awesome pieces for December in his monthly “Through the Lens” series. I love this piece and great use of space by Mayo as well as these Two One pieces.

Dean Sunshine was also a busy man in December. He never stops.
Awes and Sabeth painted this killer piece in Richmond.

Love this wall in Northumberland st Collingwood in particular this piece by Sauce.

Smug was in town in December after Wonderwalls. He painted this piece with DVATE and Adnate.

And this amazing one in Fitzroy. So good!!

Some awesome graff here in South Melbourne by ID Crew and friends.

Great wall by SDM in South Yarra.

Dabs Myla came home for Christmas and painted this piece with DVATE.

And my faves from Dean’s top ten for December.

Chasing Ghosts, 2 of Melbourne’s finest photographers had an excellent idea for an exhibition in December – A competition for street art/graffiti photographers to submit their best shots. With so many shots on floating around it was a great way to celebrate the best of the best. The entires were all amazing. My favourites including the winning shot by Carl A of SINCH doing his thing below and you can check out the rest of the top 10 here. Some incredible shots.

I love these little pastes popping up around town by Akemi Ito, Cel Out and this hand by Senekt, Thanks to AllThoseShapes.

Kaffeine painted this pretty special mural with the children of Bahay Tuluyan (Non-Government Organisation which aims to prevent + respond to the abuse + exploitation of children in the Philippines). Kaffeine’s blog post is also really worth reading giving a great description of the 4 days work.

So – That’s it for 2013. I’ve really enjoyed writing this series of posts across 2013. Looking back it’s like a little time capsule for me and a great reminder of all the amazing things I’ve seen and done in 2013. What an awesome year.
First of all, I have to say a massive thanks to all the artists and writers. Without you I’d have nothing to write about. To the photographers and bloggers, thank you for documenting and sharing all the goodness we have here in Melbourne. And to anyone that reads my posts, thank you too. It makes me want to post more and more and keep sharing Melbourne with the street art and graffiti world. 2014 is already shaping up to be an even better year! Look out!!
January post coming soon!
Photos courtesy of Alex Mitchell, David Russell, Dean Sunshine, Carl A, John Mcclumpha, Dexter, Michel Cabre, AllThose Shapes and Kaffeine
Videos courtesy of David Child, The Opening Hours, Darbotz and Michael Danischewski