Photographing stickers without losing context

The difficulty with photographing sticker art or graffiti stickers is that it’s really difficult to provide context for the sticker without losing all the details that might make it interesting to begin with. This context versus context struggle exists when photographing just about any sort of street art or graffiti, but it’s especially true with …

Weekend link-o-rama

Enjoy your Saturday. Also, if you enjoy the above photo, make sure you didn’t miss this post from earlier in the week. Dr. D and Leah Leah Borromeo floated some sculptures in a London canal (near where the whole Banksy / Robbo feud went down) to comment on England’s welfare and tax policies. Clet Abraham’s …

Sunday link-o-rama

Had a quick holiday in New York City combined with a nasty cold to delay posting this link-o-rama, but I’m back so here we go… Dave aka nolionsinengland has been a friend and also one of my favorite street art/graffiti photographers for many years now. I’m very excited to see that he’s now offering street …

Ark in San Bernardo del Viento (Colombia)

I absolutely love seeing expressions by street artists in geographic areas that sometimes are left out from those offers of spontaneity and appropriation of spaces that shape our identities and memories. Recently Ark visited San Bernardo del Viento, a fishing community of families who’ve been victims of displacement due to political violence prevalent in some parts of …