June was another busy month in Melbourne. My round up for the month includes trains, walls, shows, a rad new publication and some other bits and pieces of goodness.. I’ll start with my favourite train for June. This one ran on June 6th – thanks to The best of Melbourne Graffiti for the pic. This guy has been killing it lately!

Some shots from Burg’s show at the Vic below, more here. Burg’s street characters are some of my faves with twisted and expressive faces appearing all around Melbourne.

Knock Knock Magazine released their latest issue, Issue 4 -The Travel Issue. Knock Knock is an online magazine focusing on talented creative people, this issue features articles on Ben Quilty, Mark Drew, Geoffrey Lillemon, Dave Cragg, Sobekcis, Sheryo & The Yok, Onur Gulfidan, Rosek, Haribow, Maaden, Beatrix Curran, Kate Florence Knowlden, Val Kelmer, Jess Howell, Robyn Aubrey, Arman Nobari, Embassy, Spoonty and DoubleTrouble. A great read and a well put together production. Check out these screen shots from Issue 4:

Revolver Arts held their latest “Seasons of Change” show (Winter edition) with work from Melbourne’s F1 crew and friends. A couple of my favourite pieces below, more here.

I absolutely love unauthorised exhibitions in abandoned spaces, so I was delighted to hear about this one. Tom Civil, Ryan McGennisken, Doctor, Be Free, Suki and Bon found this abandoned house late one night and decided to take it over and decorate it for a pop up unauthorised show there. After spending a month or so securing and then painting the house, an invite popped up on Facebook. Being a massive fan of exploring abandoned spaces I loved the atmosphere of the show as much as the artwork. Some shots and a short video below. More here.

Gate 228 from Dave MSA on Vimeo.
Yet another live paint at Metro Gallery. This time featuring AWOL crew members Adnate, Itch and Deams alongside stencil artist E.L.K. More photos here.

Hancock was the latest guest in Dirty playground’s series of shows featuring different local street artists. Hancock’s work was awesome, just like his recent street stuff.

The 2nd last Friday in June was jam packed with shows. First up we checked out Kirpy’s latest show “Right Train, Wrong Track“. Kirpy has just returned from traveling in NYC and Berlin, the show features influences and images from his travels abroad as well as from Melbourne. More shots here and here.

He also stencilled this wall at Revolver. Check out the video below, I love it.
Just Another x Revolver x Kirpy from Just Another Agency on Vimeo.
Then we headed to Backwoods for a pop up group show “Heat“. The show was only advertised a week or so before the opening, via some advertising takeovers and stencils which were great. A great turnout and show. Shots from the show here and here.
Then finally we headed over to New Hunting Ground, a new gallery space, featuring a great group show for their first exhibition. As usual, like anything at this location (a part of the Juddy Roller space) was absolutely packed and a great evening ensued. My favourite pieces both by Jaw.

A couple of great videos by EdinFocus. One of Jaw painting a wall and the 2nd of the opening night of New Hunting Ground.
New Hunting Ground – Opening Night from EdInFocus on Vimeo.
The Doctor smashing a drab blank “advertise here” sign.
Plea and DEM 189 had a show at the end of June called “Entomology” and as the name suggests was all about insects. I wasn’t sure how each of these lads styles would sit with insects, but after arriving at the show, I couldn’t understand how I missed the connection; their work meshed so well with the insects, it was meant to be. Also loved the installation made of an old piano.

Melbourne’s Ghostpatrol had a show in Adelaide. Check more shots out here and also on the show’s Tumblr page. I love the works in GP’s typical painting style and the installation is rad with the giant cut out animals.

No Vacancy Gallery turned 5, which is quite a feat for a gallery (congrats guys) as we have seen many come and go; they celebrated with a great group show featuring artists that have contributed or shown at the gallery over the years. Some shots of the show below, and more photos here.

Steen Jones was visited us in June and painted this mural as a tribute to Sailer Jerry. Check out the video by Journey Collective below.
Steen Jones-Sailor Jerry Tribute from Journey Collective on Vimeo.
Then he and Meggs painted this amazing wall. I really like this wall, the 2 styles work together so well in this piece.

Meggs, Rone and Beastman (Sydney) went to Hong Kong for Work In Progress at Above Second Gallery. They painted some great walls and pieces.

Also check out the short video from Everfresh below.
A sad day when we saw the start of the demolition of the Collingwood Silos. Whilst there are multiple silos in Collingwood and surrounding suburbs this one was special. This place was a meeting place for painters and mates for many years. The silos and clock tower were the site of the former Yorkshire Brewery, a relic of Victoria’s brewing history. I had visited the site many times, but only at ground level (there’s a giant car park and lots of walls to see there), until recently, when a group of us decided to take the trip to the top of the Silos. It’s a pretty crazy and treacherous experience, but so worth it. Throughout the climb theres pieces and tags everywhere, including some old ones I haven’t seen for a while and more at the top.

I’m lucky I finally got to experience this place, because in late June, the demolition of the Silos began, to make way for new apartments 🙁 like so many places do these days. Some shots of the Silos as they used to be here. You can see the EVERFRESH 04 giant white roller still rocking as they come down. More shots here too.
I had no idea Seth (Globepainter) was going to be in Melbourne during June. I saw this piece on someone’s Instagram feed and I couldn’t believe it. He painted this awesome piece with Makatron, Sirum 1, DEM189 and PLEA.

Then this one with Shida and Two One in an abando somewhere.

Loving these giant extinguisher tags by SINCH. (Barry McGee referred to SINCH in his interview with The Opening Hours back in April when he visited Melbourne, obviously he has a good eye).

Here’s a few of my favourite shots from some of my favourite documenters of street art Dave Russell and Shane from AllThoseShapes.

And to finish up a few of my faves from Dean Sunshine’s top ten.

Photos courtesy of Melissa Findley, Chasing Ghosts, AllThoseShapes, Knock Knock Magazine, Dean Sunshine, Just Another Agency, David Russell, The Opening Hours, and Caitlin Muscat