Neckface Mural in LA

Neckface recently put up a huge mural outside of LA clothing store Barracuda. Some very impressive work. Photos from, and via SuperTouch

More on Moss

Last week I posted about “moss graffiti” and how it is made. It looks like the movement’s foremost artist, Mosstika, has been making quite a splash recently. Both Beautiful Crime and Wooster Collective also have posts on Mosstika today. Beautiful Crime points out that Mosstika is a great example of Disruptive Realism, a term coined …

UPDATE: The Uroboros Project

Gaia‘s just sent me some new info and photos for his previously mentioned Uroboros Project. Uroboros Project is a collaborative effort between artists Rachel Lowing and Gaia. Spawned from a mutual interest in articulating the inexorably intertwined relationship between people and nature, we examine the act of consumption and its implications on contemporary life. The …