This weekend I’ve been without solid internet access, and Caroline and I have both been knee-deep in exams and final essays for the last week, so here’s a belated link-o-rama…
- The New York Times has a story on Living Walls, centering on the removal of Hyuro’s mural a few months ago and now the removal of Roti’s mural. I hope that this does not dissuade artists or the amazing people behind Living Walls from doing more of the amazing work that they have become known for over the last three and a half years.
- Beau Stanton has a new print at 1xRUN. Just a few hours left on it though.
- And then there’s this Kid Acne print that’s perfect for Christmas.
- Jeff Soto now has his work on t-shirts. Very cool, and at an affordable price.
- Henry Chalfant has a new ebook out in the Apple iBook store with high-res photos of subway cars. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but it sounds great. The NYTimes has a bit of a preview and the story behind the photos (in case you don’t already kn0w).
- Don’t Fret is always good for a smile or two.
- Remember that Aakash Nihalani piece from last week? Well here’s something similar from Elfo from a couple of years ago.
- On a similar note with that great video of Just that Caroline posted this week, it’s worth remembering KATSU’s instructable from 2007.
- Ripo can paint quite a mural, but sometimes simple is best.
- LNY is back from his trip to Korea, but he left some beautiful work there.
- It’s certainly interesting to see Shamsia Hassani from Afghanistan and El Mac collaborate.
Photo by OX