You know what’s really nice? Sleep. Hence, this weekend is a blessing. For now, life is school school school and more school. Hopefully there’s still a trip to NYC in my near future though… Here’s what has been going on around the internet and on the street:
- OverUnder and Chris Stain have gotten things started at Living Walls Albany. OverUnder’s portrait looks kinda like an Ethos piece, but it still looks cool. And Chris’ tribute to the 9/11 first responders was painted on wood and has just been moved to the New York State Museum.
- WK Interact collaborated with NY firefighters on a mural in Brooklyn.
- This 9/11 related piece by Zevs has caused a bit of a stir. Definitely one of most controversial 9/11 related artworks I’ve seen.
- JR’s Inside Out project has made it to Israel and Palestine.
- Some promising new for Leon Reid IV‘s latest project.
- Amanda Marie, the latest artist to show at Andenken in Amsterdam, isn’t a street artist, but she does stencils that I’m loving. (heads up, the link is a pdf)
- Ema has a solo show that opened tonight at Glasgow’s Redcoat Gallery.
- Banksy has donated a sculpture to The Bristol Museum.
- A few years ago, there was a castled painted in Scotland by some of Brazil’s best street artists: Nina, Nunca and Os GĂȘmeos. It was supposed to be temporary, but the owners of the castle want to keep it.
- Maybe my favorite thing I’ve ever seen from Jaybo.
- Risk and Retna painted a mural in Santa Monica, CA, but now the city wants to fine the building owners $5,000 a day until the mural is removed.
- Brad Downey and Akay collaborate at FAME Festival.
- Jim Carrey and Shia LaBeouf are both trying to do some street art. Yep, the guy from Ace Ventura and a Disney Channel star are now technically street artists. Melrse&Fairfax says, “Interesting how street art seems to be more and more an exciting ‘escape’ for celebrities.” I’d like to replace interesting with some other word or words…
Photo by Snyder