The shutters at London’s Cordy House are probably best known for Roa‘s hare (see above, or my post last year), which he painted there last year. It’s probably become Roa’s best-known work. What most people outside of London don’t realize is that Roa wasn’t the first artist to make a “lenticular” at Cordy House, and now he isn’t the last either.
As early as January 2009, and I think before that as well, Dr. D had used the Cordy House shutters in a similar way:

And earlier this month, Ludo made something great for the same spot:

While Roa’s piece on this wall is probably my favorite (so far), it’s worth remembering that he hasn’t been the only one to do something cool on the Cordy House shutters.
Photos by Magnus D, cluttergeoff and Hooked