“Graffiti: where community and creativity connect,” said no government ever.

Photos by Billy Craven, ExcuseMySarcasm, Fabah Zadok, FunkandJazz, Heavy Artillery, Lepublicnme, Startape Photographe and thesaltr
“Graffiti: where community and creativity connect,” said no government ever.
Photos by Billy Craven, ExcuseMySarcasm, Fabah Zadok, FunkandJazz, Heavy Artillery, Lepublicnme, Startape Photographe and thesaltr
Shake well.
Photos by ExcuseMySarcasm, Graphis, John19701970, Olson-ONOFF, Photofil, Saner HVA KGB, Startape Photographe and Zomb7.
You only YOLO once.
Photos by BadDogWhiskas, FromAroundtheWizzle, ‘N’, P. Matheus Lacerda, Startape Photographe and VitoStreet.
It’s hot as hell outside.
Photo by Baddogwhiskas, DosLCF, Heavy Artillery, Herbalizer, MDC GRUPOGRAFFIT, TheSaltr, VitoStreet
It’s that time of the week.
Photo by Dos, Janie.D, Morac19, SÖKE, TheSalter and VitoStreet
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