Just a question: Anyone wish an air-conditioned home want to trade places with me until things cool down? Anyway, here’s some linkage to what’s been going on with art this week:
- Some innocent teenagers outside of Philadelphia were recently cited for drawing on the ground with chalk because the cops think it might discourage real graffiti writers. Why don’t towns hire smarter police?
- You can now get wall-graphics for your house with designs by Jim Houser.
- This collaboration between Jaz and Dotz is pretty spectacular.
- Futura’s got a massive solo show on in NYC now, in association with Valmorida.
- ECB just painted the tallest mural in Asia. Fantastic location and great painting.
- Dabs and Myla (plus friends) have a great looking show on now at Thinkspace.
- Endless Canvas’ Special Delivery show in a formally empty warehouse opens this weekend. The pics I’ve seen look great. Don’t miss this if you’re in the Bay Area.
- This project by Swoon to raise money for her work on Braddock, PA will be happening on Saturday in New York.
- Space27 is a new gallery opening in Montreal next week with work from a lot of street artists.
- Another show opening in NYC tomorrow night (there are so many) is this group show at Agnes B featuring Gaia, Faile, ND’A and others.
Photo by Henrik Haven