Paul Insect brings his brilliance to NYC

Psychedelic saints

The first time I saw any artwork by UK’s Paul Insect was about six years ago on the Separation Wall in Bethlehem. I was instantly enthralled. Since then I’ve seen his art here in NYC printed on stickers and featured in a few group exhibits. But as RJ blogged earlier this week, Opera Gallery is currently presenting Paul Insect’s first solo exhibit in New York City. And it is ravishing — both aesthetically and conceptually. Meticulously crafted paintings, sculptures and installations on a range of themes — from the media and the environment to religion and identity — reflect the artist’s imaginative sensibility and astounding array of skills. Here are a few more images:

Anatomical silhouette
Clockwork America
Sculpture, close-up

The exhibit continues through December 21 at 115 Spring Street in SoHo.

Photos by Lenny Collado and Lois Stavsky

Read More Books / The Reader showing “Affective Duplication” at White Box

The Reader in New York

Read More Books aka The Reader always keeps us on our toes with what he’s up to. From December 6th to January 26th, The Reader’s latest solo show Affective Duplication will be open at the University of Oregon’s White Box Gallery. Along with an eclectic mix of found object sculptures, paintings, and installations, this show will debut new video work (I’d be really interested to see that). If you’re in the area, this sounds worth checking out.

Photo by Luna Park

Get Rowdy in Newcastle

Rowdy of the UK’s Burning Candy crew is currently showing at Tower Art Gallery in Newcastle, England for a solo show called Get Rowdy. The show is open now and runs through the 10th of January. Here is a video trailer for the show and a few shots from the opening…

And Rowdy also painted a bit on the roof of the gallery…

Photos courtesy of Tower Art Gallery

Weekend link-o-rama

Anthony Lister in London

It’s almost December, and this December I’m going to be taking a bit of a holiday. For most of the month, Caroline Caldwell is going to be doing most of the writing for Vandalog, while I focus on another project. But, of course, the more important thing about it being almost December is that it means Basel Miami craziness is about to be upon us. Some artists are already in Miami (specifically Wynwood) and painting their murals. Not to piss all over that parade, but I’d like to quote Workhorse of The Underbelly Project. He once said to me, “It’s sorta sad that an entire district of 7-story-tall murals is becoming blasé, but it is.”

Photo by Alex Ellison

Thank You to Our November Sponsors

We would like to take a brief moment to thank this month’s sponsors. These are the organizations and companies that keep us publishing, so be sure to check them out!

Featured Advertisers

  • Guggenheim – The “Conversations with Contemporary Artists” series presents the opportunity to hear and meet artists such as Gabriel Orozco and R. H. Quaytman as they discuss themes in their work as well as current issues in the art world.
  • Asia Society MuseumBound Unbound: Lin Tianmiao represents the artist’s first major solo exhibition in the United States
  • Artspace – Insider access to art from the best artists, museums, and galleries in the world
  • Art Miami – Miami’s premier anchor fair showcases the best in modern and contemporary art from more than 100 international art galleries.
  • Miami Project  – A new contemporary and modern art fair consisting of presentations by 65 galleries from around the world.
  • Pacific Northwest College of Art – For over 100 years, PNCA has served as a creative hub for artists and designers with an educational philosophy that emphasizes individualized curricula, independent inquiry and cross-disciplinary exchange.
  • NYU Steinhardt  The M.A. in Studio Art program in Berlin, Germany provides artists, students of art, and current and prospective art teachers the opportunity to do  high-level studio work over three intensive summers

Network Sponsors

  • American Apparel – Made in Downtown LA—vertically integrated manufacturer, distributor, and retailer of clothing
  • Mixed Greens – Currently on view are Christina Mazzalupo’s Prognosis: Doom paintings and Jonathan Feldschuh’s window installation Large Hadron Collider.
  • Pernod Absinthe – The Art & Absinthe Guide to Brooklyn – mobile interaction with the thriving arts community of Brooklyn, NY
  • Fountain Art Fair – Exhibition of avant garde artwork in Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach
  • School of Visual Arts – Graduate MFA programs including one in Critical Theory and the Arts, and another in Photography, Video and Related Media
  • East Tennessee State University‘s Positive/Negative National Juried Art Exhibition aims to serve as platform for diverse visual art production
  • New York Academy of SciencesScience and the Seven Deadly Sins is a vice- ridden series of events featuring scientists, authors, urban planners and many more
  • Tim Roseborough – The Art Rap EP by D. Skilling
  • TheBowerbirds Collection of art from various Asian artists available to everyone as art prints
  • NY City College – MFA programs in Digital & Interdisciplinary Art Practice or Studio Art, and MA programs in Art History or Art Education for K-12.
  • Nauset Press – Online publisher of idiosyncratic books and art inspired by creative collaboration
  • Art Systems – Professional art gallery, antiques and collections management software
  • ASP Fine Arts Services – Art installation, transportation, storage, and logistics services with locations in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami

If you are interested in advertising on Vandalog, please get in touch with Nectar Ads, the Art Ad Network.

Photo by Lena Nicholson

The Walls Project in London


The Walls Project is a series of legal spots organized by the folks behind Global Street Art. To date, they’ve organized over fifty of spots in London for local and international artists to paint. A lot of the spots they find are the roll-down shutters for shops in East London. It’s great to know that there are a couple of friendly guys in London who are simply interested in helping artists find more spots to paint and making their daily commutes a bit more interesting. You can see more of the walls and a map here.

A side note: Global Street Art are currently working on releasing their first book through Unbound, a sort of Kickstarter for books.

Here are a few of my favorites shutter pieces from The Walls Project:

2Rise and Gris

Continue reading “The Walls Project in London”

High Roller Society’s “Espanish Conexion”

If you hang out at art galleries in London long enough, you’re eventually going to meet my friend Esther F. Castelo. She’s finally stepped into curating with Espanish Conexion, the next show at High Roller Society. The show includes some of the best of the Spanish street art and graffiti scenes such as Suso33, Pez, Liqen, and Kenor.

Espanish Conexion opens November 30th from 6-9pm and runs through December 16th.