Retna in NYC: Hallelujah World Tour

Wow. Somehow I could have sworn I posted about this show a few days back and now I’m looking through the site and I can’t find it. Sorry everyone! Well, better late than never.

Retna has a solo show opening in NYC next week. The Hallelujah World Tour is being put together by Valmorbida, the same people who catapulted Richard Hambleton from obscurity into the homes of people like Georgio Armani. I’m in New York right now, but I wish I could have planned my short trip here around this. It won’t be one to miss. As far as I can tell, no word yet on how long the show will be up for. Here’s a preview video which sort of sets the mood for the show:

RETNA: Hallelujah World Tour from viejas del mercado on Vimeo.

Weekend link-o-rama

Sweet Toof and Pins aka Paul Insect

Had a pretty interesting week. Last Friday was the opening of, Sex Drive, the latest show at The Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, where I work part time. It’s a pretty great show, so if you’re in the Philadelphia area, I’d say it’s worth stopping by. But if you’re not, there’s also a lot of online content. But here’s what’s going on the more Vandalog-relevant world this week:

  • Kid Acne and Dscreet painted a pretty cool collaboration.
  • I just read Kid Acne’s latest zine, which is pretty cool for Kid Acne fans.
  • MOMO’s also got a new zine out.
  • An impressive Os Gêmeos is going to be for sale at Philips de Pury later this month.
  • This looks like a great mural project in Madrid.
  • You’ve got to have an appreciation for beautiful handpainted signs like these.
  • There’s a trailer out for a film called How To Sell A Banksy. It seems to be about a person or group who are trying to sell a street piece by Banksy that they removed or somehow got their hands on. I’m not sure what to think of the whole thing. On the one hand, it certainly raises some questions about the value of art and what Banksy is (like the guy from Andipa, a dealer in secondhand Banksy artwork, saying that perhaps Banksy’s street pieces are absolutely worthless), but I can’t help but believe that those questions will be obscured in the film by the filmmakers themselves being sucked into the system. They are trying to sell something after all, how could they not become part of this system that the film seem to be critiquing?

Photo by nolionsinengland

El Tornillo

Tomas Guereña aka El Tornillo lives in Mexico where he creates beautiful art with patterns that remind me of sea creatures. The art is wonderful and the fact that he chooses to include people in his pictures makes it even better, giving the viewer a better sense of where he comes from,where he lives, and where he chooses to make art. The end result: just perfect!

You can go to Flickr to see more of his work.

Photos by El Tornillo

Joe Iurato at Vincent Michael Gallery

Joe Iurato's contribution to The Underbelly Project. Photo by RJ Rushmore

Joe Iurato, an artist whose stencil for The Underbelly Project was one of my favorite artworks there, is part of a show opening this week at Vincent Michael Gallery in Philadelphia. Natural Selections/Salvation includes work from Joe as well as Shai Dahan. It opens today, Friday the 4th, and runs through the 25th. I don’t know much about Shai, but I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve seen from Joe. Here’s one of his stencils in the show:

Photo courtesy of Vincent Michael Gallery

For more previews and some perspective on what Joe Iurato’s half of the show is about, check out a more extensive post on Brooklyn Street Art.

Photos by RJ Rushmore and courtesy of Vincent Michael Gallery

VNA 14 is coming: Sickboy, Doze Green and more

The above flyer says just about all you need to know. The next issue of my zine of choice, Very Nearly Almost, will be released next week, with the usual launch party in London and special edition cover available there. I can’t wait to read their interview with Doze Green.

Here’s a little bit of what we’ll find inside VNA 14:

Photos courtesy of Very Nearly Almost

Roa, ROBOTS and Phlegm

Phlegm. Photo by SheffTim

This should be a fun event. ROBOTS, makers of large wooden street art sculptures, have put together a show with Roa and Phlegm for later this month in South London. Black/Light will include new murals and installations from the artists, plus live music and films. The show runs from the evening of February 24th through March 6th in the Bussey Building in Peckham Rye.

Roa. Photo by Vandalog

Photos by SheffTim and Vandalog