
It’s been pointed out that there was something very important that I missed in yesterday’s post about Banksy’s auction results. WallKandy, on WallKandy’s forums in fact, noted this morning that Lyon & Turnbull, the auction house whose representative is quoted in the original Bloomberg article, kind of had it coming and shouldn’t be suprised that …

Elbowtoe in London

I’m a bit late on this one, but I think the work that Elbowtoe put up while he was in London recently is really something. He came over as part of a show at Black Rat Press, but I think where he really made an impression is on the streets. Unfortunately, a lot of this …

Charming Baker news

The official video for Charming Baker‘s recent show “The Meaning of Everything” has just been released. Normally I’m not one for videos of shows when I could just look at photos that are a higher quality, but kind of like the soundtrack to this video, so I’m posting it. Charming Baker is one of those …

Just some links

Today I’m being a bit lazy and just sharing a few links, but I’ve just spent all day catching up on a backlog of emails and RSS feeds, so hopefully I can be excused. A full review of Vhil’s show at Lazarides gallery is coming tomorrow. Most of these things are a bit dated and …