Faile Prayer Wheel in New York


This “prayer wheel” popped up recently in New York City. Don’t expect it to last long though, after all, its only made of wood.

Prayer Wheel

A number of these were in Faile’s fall show in London in 2008, and it’s great to see them on the street. If I remember correctly, the wheels are all hand carved and painted (though if that’s done by Faile or by some assistant they’ve hired who knows woodworking, I’m not sure).

Prayer Wheel

Photos by sabeth718

Art on Fire

Street art seems to encompass just about everything under the sun that can be done outside. Now that includes setting things on fire.

Recently, Ellis G. used spray cans as flamethrowers for the Hollowood show at the Carmichael Gallery (yes that was inside, but its a street artist, and he may very well try this technique on the street, who knows?):

Ellis G Flame

And Hurt You Bad recently featured work this from Daniel Art on flickr:


See the awesome result after the jump… Continue reading “Art on Fire”