Lois Stavsky is an educator, curator and writer with a particular passion for global street art for $1500 personal loans online at loansonlineusa.net. She has recently contributed to: Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art, Rizzoli, 2010; C215: Community Service, Criteres, 2011 and Graffiti: 365, Abrams Books 2011.
I can never get enough of RAE‘s zany characters that surface regularly on a range of public surfaces in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. TriBeCa gallery Masters & Pelavin is hosting two wondrously fashioned ones in the group exhibit, Legend Tripping, opening this evening from 6-8pm at 13 Jay Street.
Swoon, Thalassa, screenprint on mylar with coffee stain and hand painting
Since 2006, Joshua Liner’s Chelsea gallery has consistently featured an amazing range of works by first-rate artists. His new venue – a huge, bright ground-floor space at 540 West 28th Street – is ideal, as the artworks beckon you in from the street. These are a few of my favorite pieces – by artists who also work in public spaces – from his current exhibit, Direct Address: An Inaugural Group Exhibition, that closes this Saturday. It is worth a visit.
Greg Lamarche aka SP1, Free for All, acrylic and graphite on found woodOliver Vernon, Renegade Trajectories, acrylic on canvasDavid Ellis, All That Glitters, kinetic sound and light installation
Celebrating the release of Christian P. Acker’s Flip the Script, an elegant analysis of the best graffiti hand styles across the U.S., Reed Space on Manhattan’s Lower East Side is hosting a one-night art show tonight showcasing an amazing array of works by those artists featured in the book. Here’s a brief preview:
In celebration of International Women’s History Month, over 20 women took part in creating a 10-story building mural entitled “PachaMama” in the center of Lima, Peru. Toofly, now based most of the year in her native Ecuador, shared the following pics with me.
A few of the artists including Toofly, bottom rightWomen at workToofly at workToofly at work
A huge fan of Cosbe — aka Cosby, Kosbe and just about any variation of his name — since I first discovered his stickers and paste-ups on NYC streets, I stopped by Chinatown’s Suck Store at 88 East Broadway yesterday evening to check out his latest venture, “The Cosby Show.” Bits and pieces of his life — with everything from random sketches to a photo of his late friend and master hand-stylist SURE — make up a huge installation, intriguing and raw. The highlight of the exhibit that opens this evening, Friday, is the 6pm release of a super limited edition of a SUCKLORD x COSBE collectible toy. In addition to Cosbe’s works, a range of Sucklord collectibles are on sale, along with the latest issue of Carnage.
Close-up of huge installation featuring Crasty sticker on baseball cardCosbe on canvas — close-upCollectible Suckadelic trading cardA page from Carnage — one of many on view
While in New York City for the Fountain Art Fair, members of the Montreal-based En Masse Collective were joined by other artists — including seven based in NYC — on a huge wall in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Seeing some of my favorite artists’ images in En Masses’s signature black and white aesthetic is quite a treat!
Never, Bishop, Gospel, Jason Botkin, See One, Fumero, Masato Okano, Tang Wei, Dustin Spagnola & Patch Whiskey
Opening this evening at 8pm in Con Artist’s space at 119 Ludlow Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side is SLAP: Adhesives and Egos, a DIY Sticker Exhibition, featuring dozens of hand-made stickers. I love the way street art and graffiti meet here in this seamless mix of styles and sensibilities.
The exhibit continues through April 3rd and a limited edition zine will accompany the exhibit and will be for sale at the gallery.
The small elements unique to each artwork are the subject of “Detail,” a group exhibit opening this evening, Saturday, March 2nd, 6 – 8pm at Woodward Gallery on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Exquisitely curated, the exhibit features a range of intriguing images in a variety of media by a dozen artists. Among the artists featured are five whose works continue to grace our streets: Cassius Fouler, Thomas Buildmore, Kenji Nakayama, Kosbe and Moody. Here’s a sampling of what is on view at 133 Eldridge Street through April 28th.
Thomas Buildmore, Still Life. Photo by Tara Murray.Kenji Nakayma, Duck. Photo courtesy Woodward Gallery.Kosbe, Borrowed Time close-up. Photo by Lois Stavsky.Moody. Photo courtesy Woodward Gallery.
Photos by Tara Murray and courtesy of Woodward Gallery
I love the way Joe Iurato’s aesthetic is continually evolving. His stencil art works beautifully not only in public spaces, but also in gallery settings. Currently on view at London’s Signal Gallery are some of his strongest pieces to date.
AlbatrossDeveloping a PatternBefore that Vanishing Place