
About Vandalog:

Vandalog began in October 2008 as the place for people to keep up to date on what’s going on with street art. Today, we focus on coverage of street art, graffiti, and viral art that you won’t get anywhere else. Stories on Vandalog are analytical, opinionated, investigative, exclusive, under-reported, and sometimes a bit overly intellectual.


RJ Rushmore – Editor-in-Chief

RJ Rushmore has been involved in contemporary art as a writer, curator, photographer, arts administrator, and fan since 2008. With a focus on street art, graffiti, and public art, RJ facilitates and promotes catalytic and ambitious art outdoors, in galleries, and online. He founded the street art blog Vandalog and has worked at The L.I.S.A. Project NYC, Mural Arts Philadelphia, and Creative Time. Currently, RJ is Co-Curator of Art in Ad PlacesFind RJ on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Caroline Caldwell – Contributing Writer

Caroline Caldwell is an artist, writer and bad girl living in Brooklyn. She co-curated the guerrilla community service project Art in Ad Places.

Rhiannon Platt – Contributing Writer

From the first day that Rhiannon saw a Gaia piece while sitting in her dorm in Virginia, uncommissioned public art has consumed her time. Growing up in West Virginia, she looked to blogs such as Wooster Collective until she could eject herself to New York City. Since moving there in 2009, she has strived to represent the underrepresented through projects such as Fyeahwomenartists. In addition to her internet life, she curates shows, ups the punx, and slips her bike chain like it’s her job. Some of her favorite artists include: Gaia (duh), Chris Stain, Felix Gonzalez- Torres, ekg, LNY, Reverend and Nugz, John Everett Millais, Doodles, Homo Riot, and You Go Girl!.

Friends of Vandalog – everybody who has contributed to Vandalog at some point as a contributor or guest poster:

Jared AufrichtigHe’s a photographer


Peter BengtsenHe’s an academic

Sebastian BuckUnurth

Laura CalleLiving Walls: The City Speaks

Monica CampanaLiving Walls: The City Speaks

Terry CarltonHe’s a writer

Elisa CarmichaelCarmichael Gallery

CDHHe’s an artist

Simon ColeShow & Tell Gallery

Robbie ConalHe’s an artist

Frances CorryColumbia Spectator

Dave the ChimpHe’s an artist

Peter DrewHe’s an artist and a writer

ekgHe’s an artist

GaiaHe’s an artist

Ryan GattisHe’s a writer

Nico GlaudeTwitter

Gwenaëlle GobéShe’s a photographer

Robin GrearsonShe’s a writer

Christian GuémyHe’s an artist

Raymond Salvatore HarmonHe’s an artist

Aaron Hunt

J Isaac

iwillnotHe’s an artist

JetsonoramaHe’s an artist

Karolina K

Brian KnowlesInstagram

Stephanie KellerTwitter


Damon LandryFlickr

Cedar LewisohnHe’s an artist and curator

Yoav LitvinInstagram

LushHe’s an artist

Aline MairetShe’s a photographer

Tristan MancoHe’s a writer

Luke McManusHe’s a writer

NetherHe’s an artist

Tim O’Brien

William Parry

Tom “Shower” PearsonTwitter


Shafiur RahmanSix Oranges

Remi RoughHe’s an artist

Vanessa RosaShe’s an artist


Jordan SeilerPublic Ad Campaign

Ryan SeslowHe’s an artist and educator

Sirla and Marika AguSirla helps organize the Stencibility Festival

Demian SmithUnderground Paris

Jess X SnowShe’s an artist

Lois StavskyShe’s an educator, curator, and writer

Dave “Nolionsinengland” StuartShoreditch Street Art Tours

Daniel “Halopigg” WeintraubInstagram

Tanley WongArrested Motion

Alison YoungImages to Live By

Comment guidelines:

At Vandalog, we encourage readers to comment on posts. Discussion and feedback can be great. That said, RJ does moderate the comments. The vast majority of comments do get approved quickly, but some are not. There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how comments are moderated on Vandalog, but here are some general guidelines about what will probably not get posted: excessive or unnecessary cursing, obscene personal insults, unnecessarily sexually explicit remarks, threats of violence, anything potentially libelous anything that could put Vandalog in a problematic legal situation, revealing or hints of revealing artists identities and personal insults which are irrelevant to the topic of the post. Do not unnecessarily throw in a link to your website at the end of your comment like an email signature, that’s spammy. If you post a comment and it doesn’t appear after 24 hours but you think it should, please email RJ (rj –at- vandalog dot com). Also, if you complain online (such as on Twitter, another blog or a forum) that your comment has not been published before waiting 24 hours and emailing me, that will be a violation of the guidelines and might result in none of your future comments being published. Comments will only be edited before being published if RJ gets the commenter’s approval for the change/changes.

Copyright information:

Creative Commons License

Vandalog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Note: This license does not apply to the photos, animations, videos and certain other content used within posts on Vandalog and credited to others. Such content is copyright their respective copyright holders is are used either with permission or under a fair use claim.