Well, I’m just gonna brag for a second. Haverford College just got way cooler. M1 from Dead Prez is doing a residency here. Gonna go see him perform tonight in our tiny music venue. And yes, I am aware of the apparent hypocrisy of being a white male at a private educational institution and getting excited to see M1 perform. Anyway. Back to the art.
- This group show in Oakland, CA which includes Deuce 7 looks pretty cool.
- Over on the Vandalog tumblr, Steph posted about the album art that Ron English has made for Chris Brown. I’ve got to agree with her, it’s pretty bad. Maybe Ron was too busy curating this show of South Park themed art, which sounds like it could go either way.
- Loving this photo by Jake Dobkin of a mural by Anthony Lister.
- Here’s a video from the opening of the Street Art Pop Up Store in LA.
- I’m starting to really like Linelinedot.
- Next week, Londoners can pick up some free paintings at Mutate Britain.
- I love it when a street art or graffiti ethos goes digital.
- Some interesting Chinese graffiti in this online zine.
- Colbert sold that portrait of himself that Shepard Fairey and others “made into art” at Philips de Pury and the video is hilarious.
- Slick has done the best artwork to support Japan that I’ve seen so far.
- Zevs made a t-shirt. Not sure if I love or hate it.
- You may have seen this new piece by OverUnder around other blogs, but you definitely should check out his blog to read the full story.
Photo by Luna Park