Protesting buff laws in Sao Paulo

Some news from the street artists of Brazil:

Last Sunday one of the biggest avenues of São Paulo, Av. 23 de Maio, received the biggest graffiti and street art attack ever. All the action was illegal and was done by 150 artists during the day on 1km of a grey wall. The protest is against the government buff of the Law “CITY CLEAN”. There were artists from all ages and styles, because the most important thing was to paint all of the avenue. You can see amazing graffiti works (character and letters) and works made by artists that were doing their first work. The variety of styles includes pixação, stencils and much more. The action was incredible and the cops arrived there and didn’t know what to do, so they only took 9 graffiti artist (only 3 police cars) to the police department to try to understand what it was that. The authority understood that was an art-manifestation, so the artists could go home. The government is now painting the wall with grey paint as they usually do every week.

Photos by JuGranjeia:

Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo