I’ve been bargain hunting. With the economy in the toilet, those £1800 Faile prints are probably out of most people’s budgets. I’ve found 9 great prints that are available for £90 or less.
1. Bomb by M-City
Signed Edition of 150
70 x 50 cm
£90 from Hand Made Posters
M-City have just recently released this amazing print. Anybody who has seen their work at Cans or elsewhere knows how great it is. I think this print is a chance to get something really special.

2. Pandas Rock by Pure Evil
Signed edition of 750
70 x 50 cm
£50 from Pictures on Walls
Apparently, my art teacher used this print as inspiration for her halloween costume this year. Who doesn’t like pandas dressed up as KISS?

3. Mind The Crack by Dr. D
Edition of 30
42 x 29 cm
£60 from Hang-Up Pictures
The perfect print for Londoners.

4. Rock the Casbah by Shepard Fairey
Signed edition of 300
45.72 × 60.96 cm
$125 (about £80) from Dirty Pilot
Not Shepard Fairey’s best print, but a good one at a very low price.

5. Jesus Shaves by Sixten
Signed edition of 500
70 x 50 cm
£70 from Hand Made Posters
I know it’s a bit cliché, but I still love it.

6. Ready in the Can by Hutch
Signed edition of 100
64 x 48 cm
£85 from artrepublic
The best piece I’ve seen so far from Hutch.

7. RackGaki Book Launch Print by Esow
Signed edition of 50
76 x 51 cm
£45 from StolenSpace
It’s more of a promotional print that an “art print” I suppose, but I think it looks great.

8. Lola by Grafter
Hand painted and signed edition of 50
76 x 57 cm
£60 from grafter.bigcartel.com
I put of photos of this image on the street recently, and I think it is some of Grafter’s best work to date. This is actually a hand painted piece, just in a large edition and on paper.

9. Troops Out by RYCA
Signed edition of 120
50 x 70 cm
£70 from artrepublic
What can I say? I’m a geek, and geeks like Star Wars.

I know I promised 9 prints under £90, but the inpsiration for this post came from the people over at Print Club who had a show this summer with around 40 artists who made prints in editions of 35, and sold them for only £35. I bought prints from Eine, Pure Evil, Cept, and Melvin Galapon. Although some of the prints (such as those by Eine, Pure Evil, and Cept) have sold out, most of the prints are still available here.

If you know any other prints available for under £90, comment or shoot me at email rj (a-t) vandalog(dot)com. I’d love to do a part 2 of this post.