“Dominant Species” Roa

This video is spellbinding. Roa’s show Dominant Species ran from September 15th to November 3rd in San Fransisco’s 914 Geary Gallery and MOCAtv produced this video as one in a series of artist biopics for the Art in the Streets section. It’s cool to get some context of Roa’s work and to hear his thought process. The gallery has great photos of the show.

There’s another cool video including Martha Cooper talking about Roa’s work in South Africa for I Art Joburg and Roa himself speaking about his time there.

Oslo’s ARD*POP-UP Festival

Zosen (with Chanoir in the background)

The ARD*POP-UP Festival took place in Oslo this November and was the first iteration of this festival, although the organizers hope to move it from city to city in the coming years. This year, the festival brought Pez, Kenor, Phlegm, and others to the streets of Oslo for some really fun murals, although it does look like they were concentrated in a pretty small area. Here are a few of my favorites:


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Spaik and Painters in Cali, Colombia for the First Biennial of Public Art and Muralism

Spaik. Click to view large. Photo courtesy of Spaik.

Last week, the first Biennial of Public Art and Muralism took place in Cali, Colombia; inviting 33 artists, 17 international artists. This is a pretty big deal given that Cali is a medium scale city that has struggled with drug cartels and violence. In recent years, the city has made efforts to develop more positive outlets for communities through various non profit and government ran projects. Considering Cali’s context, bringing  together international artists to create murals and workshops proves that the development of community awareness to nurture cities, towns and neighborhoods is spreading via public art throughout various geopolitical boundaries. Festivals like this are inspired by street art movements in Europe and the U.S, and although some headliners in Cali’s Biennial of Public Art and Muralism are from those countries, most artists and speakers are Latin American and I can only predict that more festivals (organized and headlined by Latinos) are going to take force in Central and South America in order to give agency and more local cultural context to those artists and their communities.

Here are some works by Spaik (Mexico) in the Stadium Pascual Guerrero, Cali.

Photo courtesy of Spaik
Spaik. Photo courtesy of Spaik.

And here are some works by Painters (Chile) in the Stadium Pascual Guerrero, Cali.

Painters. Click to view large. Photo courtesy of Painters.
Painters. Photo courtesy of Painters.
Painters. Photo courtesy of Painters.

Photos courtesy of Painters and Spaik

A video from Mike Ballard aka Cept

British artist and graffiti writer Mike Ballard aka Cept recently posted this video, titled The Rest Pretend, showing some of his indoor and outdoor work over the last few years. I’m a huge fan of his work both as Ballard and Cept, so it’s cool to see the Cept work given a sort of Ballard-style touch through the editing of the video. Usually, it seems that the Ballard and Cept identities are kept a bit more separate and distinct.

Via Very Nearly Almost

Photo by RJ Rushmore

Living Walls curates walls at Miami Art Basel

In collaboration with Fountain Art Fair and Samson Contompasis’ The Marketplace Gallery, the people of Living Walls have been given 175 ft. of wall space to divvy out amongst artists at Fountain. From December 6 to the 9th, 22 street artists including Rone, LNY, Trek Mathews, Jaz, Ever, Dal East, Faith47, Pixel Pancho, Never 2501, Joe Iurato and more will be painting Fountain’s outdoor courtyard.

The rise in success of Living Walls over the last 3 years has been fascinating to watch. This is their second year at Miami Basel but their first year there curating walls. Indoors they’ll have a booth, showing the works of a few international artists like La Pandilla, Interesni Kazki, and some of the artists listed above, as well as a few Atlanta favorites. Definitely looking forward to seeing their contribution.

Video courtesy of Living Walls

“The Wrinkles of the City” with JR and José Parlá

A 26 minute documentary called “The Wrinkles of the City” will be premiering at The Standard Hotel in Miami this Basel Week. The film follows JR and José Parlá‘s experience last year during the Havana Biennial. During which, the two collaborated on portraits of 25 elderly Havanan citizens. The elders were selected, interviewed and photographed, and put up with JR’s signature wheatpaste portraiture interlaced with Parlá’s calligraphic detailing. Along with the film, there will be a book release which features some essays and some behind the scenes shots. The results were breathtaking.

Read more about the project here.

Photos courtesy of JR