Thinkers of This – Stinkfish and Other

Troy Lovegates

Stinkfish and Troy Lovegates aka Other are showing together now at Brooklynite Gallery now for their show Thinkers of This, but it’s almost over: Thinkers of This closes on November 26th. I wish I could have seen all this in person, but in case you’re like me and will only have a chance to see Thinkers of This online, here are some highlights:

Troy Lovegates
Troy Lovegates
Troy Lovegates
Troy Lovegates
Troy Lovegates
Troy Lovegates

For a full set of images from the show, check out Brooklynite Gallery’s flickr.

Photos by Brooklynite Gallery

“Groundbreak” Opens as Abe Lincoln, Jr., Jon Burgerman & Ellis Gallagher Transform Artist Alley

This past Thursday, we came upon Jon Burgerman gracing Artist Alley @ Extra Place off East 1st Street between Bowery and 2nd Ave. with his wonderfully zany characters.  Yesterday Tara returned for the artists’ reception, where — she reports — the vibes were as cool as the art. The current artwork remains @ Extra Place through March 18, 2012. Here are some more shots of “Groundbreak” curated by Joyce Manalo of ArtForward & Keith Schweitzer of MaNY Project:

Abe Lincoln, Jr.'s lovable characters
Jon Burgerman's completed sidewalk mural
Abe Lincoln, Jr. in a rather somber pose & Jon Burgerman seemingly as cheerful as his art
Photos by Tara Murray

New Work in France and Norway

Many thanks to C215 for all the walls in Vitry and John Cunningham at the Sunnhordland Folkehogskule for the hospitality in Norway

The golden geese of StatOil. Petroleum has completely changed Norway since its discovery and development in the North Sea since the early 1970’s. Now the country has the second highest GDP per capita in the world.

Chinese finger trap at the Sunnhordland Folkehogskule
Gestures in Vitry
L'Esprit Nouveau

In 1918, painter Amédée Ozenfant and Le Corbusier established the journal L’Esprit Nouveau, a publication advocating  pure, geometric form in art and architecture. Their conceptual legacy has been felt tremendously in our approach to pre-fabricated housing throughout the world and was a small seed for defining the modern aesthetic. The material for the image is derived from a pamphlet for Corbusier’s lecture series in 1920.

Let Us State the Problem
La Sorie et L'Euro

Montry is a small town outside of Paris. Their refusal to sell land to Disneyland Paris set Montry apart from its neighbors who ceded public land to new development. Many thanks to Galerie Itinerrance.

Carrier pigeon. Photo by Aaron Wojack

Photos by Gaia and Aaron Wojack

Two murals in the Canadian Arctic

Thanks to a reader who sent in these photos, we’ve found out about two murals Iqaluit, the capital city of the territory of Nunavut in Canada. They were painted by Jonathan Cruz at the NuSchool Design Agency, Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson. It’s a pleasure to see that these artists are painting such great murals in such an unexpected location.

See more after the jump… Continue reading “Two murals in the Canadian Arctic”

Weekend link-o-rama


This week the Occupy Wall Street live streams have been very effective at distracting me from Vandalog, which I’m not too upset about. The violent and suppressive eviction of Occupy Wall Street is certainly more important that the latest swindle that some art gallery is trying to pull. Nonetheless, I have been paying attention even if I haven’t been writing, so here’s what’s been going on in the street art world this week:

Photo by Damonabnormal

Jon Burgerman Readies for “Groundbreak”

When he wasn’t dodging the rain this morning, the multi-talented Jon Burgerman was outside Extra Place, an alley off Manhattan’s East 1st Street between the Bowery and 2nd Avenue, gracing the sidewalk with his intriguing mix of overlapping comical characters. He was getting ready for the opening of  “Groundbreak,” an outdoor exhibit, also featuring the artwork of Abe Lincoln, Jr. and Ellis Gallagher aka Ellis G. Curated by Joyce Manalo and Keith Schweitzer and presented by FABnyc’s ArtUp Program, “Groundbreak” opens with a reception, hosted by Oaxaca Taqueria at 16 Extra Place, this Saturday afternoon at 2pm.

Jon Burgerman, photo by Lois Stavsky
Burgerman's artwork on sidewalk of Extra Place; photo by Damien Kelly

Photos by Lois Stavsky and Damien Kelly

Cassette Lord

These are from a series of Cassette Lord‘s stencils around England. Alright, ready for puns? Cassette lord is ghetto-blasting straight from Brighton. Mixing it up with these fresh tape stencils, he produces bold colored cassettes that boom off the box. Now that you all hate me, I challenge you to top that.

Photos by Tobyx70