Swoon in London, indoors and outdoors

Photo by Hooked

Right now, Londoners are fortunate enough to have both new work on the street by Swoon and her first London solo show, which is open at Black Rat Projects. Hooked have photos of most of her street work. Here are a few photos of her show, Murmuration. Hooked has plenty more photos of the show on flickr that are well worth checking out, as this post only provides a taste of what Swoon has done. While Murmuration is in a much smaller space than Swoon’s historic solo shows at Deitch Projects, it’s still installation-based and looks like a hit.

More after the jump… Continue reading “Swoon in London, indoors and outdoors”

Mad-talented ink, brush and pen artists tonight at Pandemic Gallery

Deuce Seven

If you can make it on such short notice (sorry, my bad), Pandemic Gallery in Williamsburg has what promises to be an impressive group show opening tonight, Saturday the 17th. Paranormal Hallucinations features a group of very talented artists known for their work with ink, pen and bush and is curated by Safwat Riad. Highlights should include the late Charlie Marks, Llewellyn Mejia (aka Peyote Party), Deuce 7 and Swampy. Since tonight is probably too much short notice, keep in mind that Paranormal Hallucinations will be open through January 7th.

Photo by Deuce 7

Klughaus Gallery Presents “Home for the Holidays” with Grotesk, Greg Lamarche, Faust, Fuzz One & more

Where Manhattan’s Lower East Side meets Chinatown, Klughaus Gallery recently launched its first exhibit, “Home for the Holidays,” featuring a wide range of artwork by an eclectic mix of artists. We stopped by this morning and loved what we saw. Here is a small sampling:
Installation by Grotesk (pictured); Sure tribute by Faust


"Vandal at Heart" by Greg Lamarche
by Seb Gorey (one of many stunning pieces executed w/ watercolor, pencil & ink)


by Fuzz One

Other artists whose work is featured include: Jasper Patch. Katsu, Mr. Kiji, Michael Alan, Moody, Tom Gould, Topske, Veefer and Vor 138.  The exhibit continues through December 31st @ 47 Monroe Street and is well worth a visit if you are anywhere near NYC.

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Temporary walls at Fountain Miami

Hugh Leeman

We’ve got more photos today from Mike Pearce‘s time in Miami. Today we’re focusing on the art installation at the Fountain Art Fair. As they have done in past years, the fair got some street artists to paint on temporary walls in an outdoor section of the fair. This year, the installation was curated by Samson Contompasis of The Marketplace Gallery and included Hugh Leeman, Sharktoof, Gilf!, Elle, Know Hope, Chris Stain, Joe Iurato, Overunder and White Cocoa. Mike has more from Fountain in this flickr set.

Overunder and White Cocoa
Joe Iurato
Chris Stain and Sharktoof
Know Hope
Gilf! and Elle

Photos by Mike Pearce

Christmas group shows that aren’t at POW

Sweet Toof and Mighty Mo. Photo by Alex Ellison

This week seems to be the week of pre-Christmas art sales in the UK, or at least attempts at pre-Christmas art sales. In London, there’s the Taking Liberty’s pop-up shop open now through the 21st with a great group of political charged artists and 10% of sales going to Reel News as well as Season Ticket an “underground art fair” in Shoreditch from High Roller Society and Alex Daw opening on Thursday. Over in Newcastle, Unit 44 have a big party planned to celebrate their 1-year anniversary, also on Thursday, with new work from artists including SheOne, Hush and Stormie Mills. With Pictures On Walls‘ annual Christmas show being cool (keep an eye on their homepage for print releases this week) but allegedly nothing like the “good old days” of their Santa’s Ghetto events (not that I would know, as I wasn’t there then and I’m not in London now), it seems that a few groups may be trying to rekindle those once warm and fuzzy feelings of Christmas cheer around street art, or they know that people like getting art for Christmas.

Here are fliers for all these show… Personally, I’m most excited about Season Ticket…

Photo by Alex Ellison

Living Walls hits Miami

Jaz. Click image to view large. Photo by Jaz

Even the Atlanta-based mural conference Living Walls managed to make it to Miami this year for Art Basel Miami. Partnering with Primary Flight, Living Walls organized spots for Jaz, Know Hope and Ever. Mike Pearce caught photos of the walls in progress and after they were finished, and here are some of his pictures:

Know Hope
Jaz working on a mural
Jaz working on a mural
Ever's mural in progress
Ever working on his mural

Photos by Mike Pearce and Jaz