Improvise Combustion with Chris Mendoza and the Con Artist collective

While walking down Suffolk Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side yesterday, I chanced upon two spaces brimming with vibrant, playful, infectious images.  Exuding a raw, yet almost mystical charm, these collaborative improvisations – I soon discovered — are the work of a group of artists whose works I’ve seen and loved in a variety of other settings. Opening this evening, Saturday May 26, from 6-10pm at 154 Suffolk Street, Improvise Combustion, organized by Chris Mendoza, features collaborations and new work by Michael Miyahira aka Mike Ming, Kenji Hirata, Pablo Power and Naomi Kazama, members of the collective Con Artist.  Pablo tells me that the group will be working on an outdoor mural this week. I’m certainly looking forward to that!

Pablo Power of the Con Artist Collective

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Baltimore besides Open Walls Baltimore

Chris Stain

While Caroline and I visited Baltimore with the goal of seeing Open Walls Baltimore, but we also got a bit of a taste for the larger street art and graffiti scene there, including a lot of work that has been done without permission. We even went out with a few local writers (Avoid, Fisho and Mountain) to watch them paint. Here are some of my favorite pieces that we came across in Baltimore that are not murals, including a few of photos have been posted on Vandalog previously.


More after the jump… Continue reading “Baltimore besides Open Walls Baltimore”

New from Escif

I almost wrote “this new wall by Escif is his best so far this year.” Then I went back to check and was reminded that Escif has been doing consistently great walls all year, so it would be unwise to say that this is his best. But still, it’s at least another interesting mural by Escif. This one is in Melilla, Spain/Morocco.

Photos by Escif


Jack Murray aka Panik

London’s ATG crew is headed to New York City for a show this week at Klughaus Gallery. Silverlink brings together 4 members of ATG, including Vandalog-favorite Jack Murray aka Panik and photographer Will Robson-Scott, and should be an interesting test to see if ATG’s success in London will carry over to the NYC without as strong of a reputation locally. The show opens on Friday and runs through June 17th.

Wild Style Wednesday!

Skare in Paris. Photo by VitoStreet

They say actions are louder than words and a picture says a thousand words… Graffiti is the action of painting a picture of a word, thus making it an ultimate means of communication for mankind. -Szr (via 12ozProphet)

Rude Cake. Photo by by Spam Crew
Shane. Photo by HowAboutNo!
Sueme. Photo by Wojofoto
Dabs/Myla. Photo by thesaltr
Dash. Photo by Morac19
Rulers. Photo by Big Bozo
Ta'Mere. Photo by HowAboutNo!

The Re-Jects at (the new space) Reed Projects

Brad Downey

Martyn Reed, the man behind Nuart, is finally opening up a gallery space. Reed Projects, like Nuart, will be based in Stavanger, Norway and draw in contemporary artists from the world of street art and beyond. The Re-Jects will be the first show at Reed Project and it features a sampling of artists from past editions of Nuart: Vhils, Dolk, Escif, Evol, Brad Downey, Dan Witz and Roa. Nuart has never come across to me as something done half-assed, so I’m sure Reed Projects will be no different and I can’t wait to see how it develops. The Re-Jects opens this Thursday (7-10pm) and runs through June 22nd.

Photo by Tod Seelie

Katowice Street Art Festival – part 2


In continuation of Katowice Street Art Festival – part 1, this post concludes the two-part series on the Katowice Street Art Festival, which took place last month from April 20th to the 29th.

Toward the end of last month the Katowice Street Art Festival came to a close. Held in southern Poland, the festival featured a reputable lineup of street artists from around the world including Roa, GanzeerEscifHyuroLudoM-CityOlek, Mentaglassi, and more. The energy surrounding these artists provided the opportunity for a few local artists to exhibit some work on the streets as well (though not affiliated with the festival). Here are some more of the completed murals, and an interesting collaboration between Mark Jenkins and Moneyless; the only two artists involved whose outdoor work primarily consist of sculptures.

Mark Jenkins and Moneyless collaboration
Mark Jenkins and Moneyless collaboration
Etam Cru

Photos by Kalevkevad

Would-be street artist detained without bail for supposed bomb threat

Takeshi Miyakawa tried to hang a series of lit plastic bags, like the one shown above, around Greenpoint, Brooklyn recently. Now he is being held without bail; essentially because these bags were perceived to be a bomb threat. A judge had determined that he should be detained for 30 days for a mental heath evaluation. As Jillian Steinhauer wrote at Hyperallergic, “Sure, hanging a plastic bag with wires coming out of it in a city as terrorism-obsessed as ours may not be the best idea — but no bail and a mental health evaluation? Really?” Hyperallergic has more on the ridiculous, scary and unfortunate story.

Photo courtesy of Takeshi Miyakawa Design