Anthony Lister Time-Lapse Video

Anthony Lister recently had a solo show at KGallery in Milan called “The Pain of Feeling.” For that show, he painted on a wall in the gallery. That painting was videotaped, and now you can see the process in a time-lapse video. Enjoy:

Bortusk Leer’s Street Monsters

Those who were at Prescription Art’s Outside In show or MuTATE Britain last year probably saw Bortusk Leer’s animated film which features his classic street monsters running around live shots of London. It’s a pretty neat film and I’ve always thought it a shame that nobody else could watch it now that those shows are over. Well I’ve just found out that in January the video was finally put on YouTube. So here it is. Enjoy.

ABOVE Print Release

Yesterday, ABOVE (of those arrows stuck to walls everywhere) released a new print called “Trying 2 Put 2 and 2 2gether” for only 44 euros (and an edition of just 40!). You can buy them on his website. I would have thought this would be a print to jump on, but IMHO it just doesn’t live up to the version of this image that ABOVE painted on the street. See for yourself though, since if you like this print (or the AP you can get for just 99 euros), it’s practically stealing at these prices.

Here’s a video with the original piece in it:

SouthCentral Tour (Part 3 of 4) from ABOVE on Vimeo.

And the prints:

2 and 22 and 2 AP

Photos from ABOVE’s website

Vids: Pure Evil in Brazil and Shep Fairey on CBS

Two really enjoyable street art videos hit the blogosphere today.

The first is from Pure Evil. He’s been in Brazil for a show, and it looks like he’s having a great time checking out the street art there. Some really cool work by extremely talented artists, most of whom I’ve never heard of.

C00l Pure Evil story. The other day, my friend asked me about buying some art for her room. She’s into stuff like Rothko, but I thought I’d try to get her into street art. I sent her an email with links to about 15 street artists to try to get a feel for her taste. I figured she’d end up loving stuff by Remi/Rough or Anthony Lister for their more traditional styles. I threw Pure Evil onto the list because I have a piece by him that I really like, but I didn’t expect her to like it at all. It’s a stencil and it just didn’t seem like her taste. Turns out, Pure Evil was her favorite artist that I linked to. Now, she and I are going to stop by Pure Evil’s gallery to check out his work in person. So that’s my tangent for the day.

The other video is of Shepard Fairey on CBS. It’s a pretty good interview, though I think I caught an error or two when they talk about his original Andre the Giant campaign. Fairey mentions his problems with the AP and claims that his work falls under free speech, so he is not guilty. Can’t wait to hear how that argument plays out in court. I’d love it if he gets off not guilty with that defense.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Via The Art Collectors Blog and Hooked

KRUNK and The Wonderful World of Donny Miller

Remember Donny Miller? The guy who did the “Gas Signs Truth in Advertising” ad subversion project last fall? Well KRUNK, the team that put on Futura’s most recent show, have brought Donny Miller into their organization. I don’t know much about Donny Miller, but I trust the guys at KRUNK know what they’re doing, and the stuff on his website is pretty cool. I’m currently sitting in an apartment with my friends who are trying to nap, but I can’t stop sharing Donny Miller’s work with them.

Anyway’s here’s the press release, check below the jump for examples of Donny Miller’s work:

KRUNK Donny Miller Continue reading “KRUNK and The Wonderful World of Donny Miller”