Grifters at Laz and a David Choe video

The crew at Lazarides have been busy. December 4th is the opening of their next show in London, and it’s going to be a biggie. The Grifters will have indoor work from more than a dozen artists including Conor Harrington, Lucy McLauchlan, Faile, Charlie Isoe, Mark Jenkins and Todd James and outdoor work from almost as many artists including Zevs, Mark Jenkins, David Choe and Vhils. Luckily, for those such as myself who will be away for the holidays, the show lasts until mid January.

As a little preview, here’s a video of David Choe from Walrus TV:

A cheap alternative to fire extinguisher tagging

Fire extinguisher tags are great. In fact, they can be amazing. Gaia put together a series of photos fire extinguisher pieces a few months ago on Vandalog which is well worth checking out. But it’s not easy to get fire extinguishers to spray paint properly, and they aren’t that cheap. Now, there’s a away to get that same effect (though maybe on a slightly small scale) for a lot less money and with a very simple design. This video from Just Straight Photos has the solution:

Via urbanartcore

Awesome new video from Above (plus a print)

Above‘s latest video is pretty sick. It’s called Reverse Psychology, and I’m still confused with what exactly is going on:


Above says:

There are two sides to every coin, and we all know two wrongs don’t make a right but somehow when it comes to filming a video in reverse then reversing it, it makes total sense? Confused? Watch the video to get a better idea. If you still don’t understand, I can only suggest to try and watch it in reverse?!

The reverse side also has a reverse side. -Japanese proverb.

And it’s also time for another print release from Above. Today 4 new prints went on sale, all screenprinted and signed by Above himself. Each print is $45, or the set of 4 arrows together is $150. They are an edition of 100 each. The prints are for sale on Above’s website.

Above Print

KR Mini

Everybody’s been talking about KR’s Mini Cooper and this video:

I don’t get it. What’s so cool here? How many times is KR allowed to just drip ink on a surface and get away with it? If I’m not mistaken, KR used to be a respectable graffiti writer.

Aw who I am I kidding? It might not be logical, it might be nothing more than advertising, but that car looks awesome. Too bad they painted all the windows too, it would have looked great driving around.

Three minute wonders

Those 3-minute wonder videos that were made off of City Road in London can now be watched online. Which is great for me as I missed their original broadcast on Channel 4. Here are the videos for Burning Candy, Pure Evil and Blek le Rat. And if you want to see these pieces in person, check out my video of how to sneak into the space.

Burning Candy

Pure Evil

Blek le Rat

Green Day’s The Art of Rock

The latest video from my series RJ’s Urban Art London on Babelgum’s Metropolis channel. This one is of the opening for Green Day’s The Art of Rock at Stolenspace Gallery in London. While the space was really loud and I had to scream to be heard in my own mic and that doesn’t sound great, the video is definitely worth watching for the interview with Logan Hicks who curated the show.