Vertigem: Os Gêmeos in Brasilia

I have no idea why there’s been no noise anywhere about the Brasilia installment of the Vertigem show so far – everything Gustavo and Otávio do is amazing and should be promoted as widely as possible. I’ve been eagerly awaiting pictures to post since February and by the time the show opened on March 2nd, I was busy in New York prepping for our Re-Creation II show. But enough excuses: here are some pictures now, plus two short videos of the twins working on their installation.

The show is up through May 16th if you’re passing through. Let me know if you’ve been and what your thoughts are if so – I’m sure it looks great, but I’m not getting a sense from the images I’ve seen so far of how it compares to the Rio and Sao Paulo shows.

– Elisa

First image by Paulo Vergolino, others by Pablo França, who has a few more pics here.

Vitché: One of Brazil’s (And The World’s) Best

During our prep for the show the other day, I noticed Nina and Thiago (her awesome assistant) watching a video interview with their friend, Vitché (Nina’s known him for seventeen years!) Vitché’s work epitomizes what I love about graffiti and street art, Brazilian or otherwise; it blends raw power, beauty and brilliance into urban and natural environments with total ease. Without any hint of egotism, his pieces simply feel like they were meant to be there. The video below is in Portuguese, but it shows the essential things you need to know about Vitché, including many of his great murals and sculptures. His magical personality really comes across, too.

– Elisa

Video: Focus on Martha Cooper

Way back in December, I had the privilege to meet and interview Martha Cooper while she was photographing the artists at Primary Flight. Here’s the video from that day:

Martha Cooper’s photos from that video can be found in the books Subway Art and Street Play. Subway Art is a must-have for anyone interested in street art or graffiti, and I haven’t seen Street Play in person, but it looks interesting and is one of the next books I intend to buy.