Weekend link-o-rama

Sowat DMV and Gris

This might have been one of the least productive weeks of my life. Just one of those weeks. Here’s some of the stuff I didn’t post about while procrastinating 30 minutes of homework for 3 hours on Thursday:

Photo by Sowat DMV

Milo Project

Here are some new works by French street artist Milo Project. Reminding me a lot of Mark Jenkins, Milo Project places realistic mannequins in the fetal position all over France. Below is a video of people’s reactions that is pretty funny even if you don’t speak French.

All photos by Milo Project

A Love Letter For You: The Movie

A few months ago, there was talk about a film being screened in Philadelphia. A film based on Steve Powers‘ amazing A Love Letter For You project. Unfortunately, I missed the screening, and didn’t hear much about it until this week when I spoke with someone at that screening. They said it wasn’t just a documentary about the project, but actually a fictional account of a graffiti writer, which was surprising. Well now there’s a trailer. Check it out:

No info on further screenings yet, but the trailer says to keep an eye on this page.

Photo by Nikkirk

Via Juxtapoz

IOCOSE puts 4 real sunflower seeds into an artwork of 100 million fake seeds

Right now at the Tate Modern in London, there’s an artwork in the main hall by Ai Weiwei. The work is called Sunflower Seeds. It consists of about 100 million hand-painted porcelain sunflower seeds. Even from up close, these porcelain seeds look real. It’s quite… something. But actually, that’s what I saw at the Tate a few weeks ago. Now, that’s just what most people think they’re seeing. IOCOSE says different though. The group of European artists used slingshots to fire 4 real sunflower seeds in the midst of Ai Weiwei’s sea of porcelain seeds to create their new artwork, Sunflower seeds on “Sunflower Seeds”. Okay yeah, there’s some conceptual art meta-bs going on here, but I still love it and within the context of a museum and interacting with a piece of conceptual art, that seems perfectly appropriate. IOCOSE’s act is just the playful sort of thing that Ai Weiwei would probably love. Fantastic work.

Here’s some of what IOCOSE says about Sunflower seeds on “Sunflower Seeds”:

The new artwork looks exactly the same as the previous one, as the natural seeds and those made of porcelain are indistinguishable from each other. IOCOSE reclaims the authorship of the new installation and reminds viewers of Ai Weiwei’s previous statement: ‘what you see is not what you see, and what you see is not what it means’.

And here’s a video of the performance/action taking place:

Sunflower Seeds on Sunflower Seeds from IOCOSE on Vimeo.

Photo by Jacek Barcikowski

Via Rebel:Art

Weekend link-o-rama

Unknown artist in TriBeCa

With the riots and protests in Egypt, I thought the above sticker is a worthwhile thing to consider this week. I’m a bit late on this week’s link-o-rama.

Photo by Loisinwonderland

EVEREMAN is for everyone

If you live in the city of Atlanta you might have run into an EVEREMAN piece at some point, or maybe you found a little EVEREMAN wooden magnet on the street for you to take. I know I have. The first time I found one of his pieces was on my bike stuck to the frame.

EVEREMAN is a wood craftsman, who likes country music, hobo history, trains and gifting! Every EVEREMAN piece is for you to take, whether it is a flat square EVEREMAN magnet, big or small, an EVEREMAN cube, or an EVEREMAN tile attached to a rock. If you find it and if you like it, then it’s yours! “4 U ATL” , carved on the back of all of his pieces, if how he lets you know his art is a gift for you.

Back in the day he was throwing steel poles at billboards.

Nowadays he hangs his art up high.

or puts his art right in front of your face for you to find,

and sometimes he makes giant cubes to decorate parks.

Here’s an EVEREMAN studio tour- the first of 12 videos project I am working with STREETELA:

EVEREMAN – Streetela from Streetela on Vimeo.