A Sonni video

Sonni is an artist from Argentina who is probably best-known in the rest of the world for the boom box piece he painted in Miami a couple of years back for Primary Flight, shown above. For some more insight into this artist who is painting some of the cutest and most fun murals around, check out this video:

Photo by ohhector

Weekend link-o-rama

Labrona, Gawd, Cam and Waxhead

Spending a few days in NYC, so this is a bit late, but here it is…

Photo by Labrona

Weekend link-o-rama


Here’s some stuff I missed this week while sitting under a giant stack of books and papers to read, mostly stuff I was supposed to read for school but avoided because I was at Nuart last weekend.

Photo by Colin Chazaud

While I was in Stavanger… link-o-rama

Ron English working on his mural at Nuart

For most of last week, I was in Stavanger, Norway for the 2012 Nuart Festival. Naturally, even though I was there in part as press, I spent very little time on my computer and didn’t do any blogging. So, expect a full post or two about Nuart later this week, but for now here’s what I missed writing about while I was away:

Photo by Ian Cox


Weekend link-o-rama


I’m headed to Nuart next week, so expect updates to be sporadic any maybe Nuart-focused. Should be a great festival. Here’s what I missed this week:

Photo by Stinkfish

ABOVE on social networking

ABOVE recently released this time lapse video regarding the extreme popularity of social media. It’s a bit like having a mirror put between yourself and your computer screen. I don’t know though, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to say that you should tweet this or post this on Facebook so all your “friends” can ‘like’ it.

Voice of GATS

Oakland has some of the most exciting and slightly underground graffiti and street art going on the USA right now, and GATS (which stands for Graffiti Against The System) is one of the most exciting guys in that already exciting city. iamOTHER is making some videos about what’s going on in Oakland, with a particular focus on GATS. The first part of that series is above.

Meet the perfect couple… Dabs & Myla

A mural in LA by Dabs and Myla

You may have a partner with whom you get along very well. You and your partner may love each other as much as any two people have ever loved each other before. You and your partner may work together on projects all the time. But you are not Dabs and Myla. This is how perfectly in sync Dabs and Myla are as a couple and as artistic collaborators:

Photo by sabeth718


HOTTEA helps revitalize a tennis court (with hot pink yarn)

Lost & Found is HOTTEA‘s latest project. It took place in Minneapolis, where HOTTEA had found a disused tennis court without a net. With a bit (okay, a lot) of yarn, HOTTEA was able to at least temporarily make the court usable again for tennis. Here’s a timelapse video of the piece being made:

But the story doesn’t end there. HOTTEA’s work actually seems to have made a bit of an impact on at least two local residents. Here’s the story in HOTTEA’s words:

After the net was complete I rounded up some of the local youth to come try it out, tennis racquet’s and all. They loved it! Mission complete. 🙂 I ended up giving the tennis racquets to one of the locals that had a sincere interest to play tennis. I came back a few days later to check up on the net and I happened to run into him again. His name is Abnan. He told me this wonderful story about what had happened to him earlier that day….

He and a friend were playing tennis with the newly installed net and a gentelman stopped by and told Abnan if he and his friend came back later that day at 4:00 he would give them both new racquet’s to play with. Sure enough Abnan and his friend showed up and the man kept his word and gave them both brand new racquet’s and a few tennis balls. I couldn’t have been more excited after he had told me the story.

After hearing Mike Lydon speak about tactical urbanism at Living Walls last week, it’s great to see a street artist trying it out a bit and succeeding so fantastically with such a simple intervention. Street art that improves public space is pretty much the best kind of street art.

Photo courtesy of HOTTEA