On any day, Facebook might have thousands of potential stories to show to any given user, of which that user will only ever see a handful. So does Facebook decide what to show, and how do you stand out on Facebook? How do you get your content on everyone’s News Feed? Fra.Biancoshock decided to find out.
The trick to being seen is, of course, to buy ads. So Fra.Biancoshock bought one…
Compare the results of Fra.Biancoshock’s ad to a typical post on his Facebook page…
![The unpaid post on his Facebook page was seen by 192 people.](https://blog.vandalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/free.jpg)
![The sponsored post was seen by almost 5,000 people, for just a few dollars.](https://blog.vandalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/paid.jpg)
AsĀ Fra.Biancoshock’s piece shows, slots on your Facebook News Feed don’t go to the best content. They go to the highest bidder. Facebook may be in favor of net neutrality on the internet as a whole, but what are Facebook ads if not viral content’s version of an internet fast lane?
On one level, this is all good fun, and technically Facebook made a few bucks in the process so they shouldn’t be too upset, but it’s also a bit scary. Facebook’s algorithm turns the internet into a walled garden, and you have to wonder: When Facebook decides what news you see, what news are you not seeing?
Screenshots courtesy of Fra.Biancoshock