After three successful years and over a hundred murals curated, Ad Hoc Art is kicking off this summer’s Welling Court Mural Project with a block party! The event’s food, music, dancing and live painting will open to the public on June 15th from 2pm til 8pm at 11-98 Welling Court (@ 30th Ave & 12th Street) in Astoria, Queens. In order to make such a cool thing happen (and free for the public, at that) there is a need for volunteers, so if you’d like to lend a hand contact info@adhocart.org.
The line up is amazing, bringing back some favorites and honing in some new and foreign talent. This year artists include (I tried to limit this to just a few…) Aiko, Beau Stanton, Billy Mode, Celso, Chris RWK, Clown Soldier, Dan Witz, Dennis McNett, Don Leicht, Ellis Gallagher, Feral, Fumero, Gaia, Gilf!, Hellbent, Ian Kuali’I, Icy & Sot, Joe Iurato, John Fekner, Kenny Scharf, Lady Pink, M-City, Mare139, Maya Hayuk, Never, ND’A, Roa, Royce Bannon, SeeOne, Sheryo, The Yok, Skewville, Veng RWK and many, many more.
Details and directions are on the event’s Facebook page. Hope to see you there!

Photos by Lois Stavsky