What not to do with Kid Acne’s coloring book

I can’t draw. When I was in 4th grade, my teacher told my parents that I was drawing naked people in class and that the behavior had to be corrected. What she meant was that I was drawing stick figures. They didn’t have clothing, but they didn’t have genitals either. For her, those stick figures were enough to say I was drawing naked people. For me, her worries were enough to bury any interest I had in drawing for nearly a decade.

That’s why, when Kid Acne offered to send me a copy of his recently reprinted coloring book Colour Me Bad Vol. 1, I wasn’t quite sure what to do. The book is 36 pages of classic Kid Acne drawings ready for customization. I didn’t want to say no, but I also did not want the book to end up with every page looking like this. So now, I’ve flipped through the book a few times and it’s going to sit on my shelf, indefinitely devoid of color. But there are still another 499 copies of Colour Me Bad Vol. 1 out there in the world. Don’t let them go to waste. Pick up a copy of Colour Me Bad Vol. 1 online now for £6 plus shipping, and make sure to draw a little something in it or at least color in a character or two. Trust my 3rd grade self: It’ll be fun.

Photo courtesy of Kid Acne