So much going on behind the scenes this week for a couple of upcoming events. Can’t wait to say more. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to write about one of them. Here’s what I didn’t have a chance to post about this week:
- Sick burner by Jume.
- I wish I could have seen Mark Jenkins’ installation at Carmichael Gallery’s Volta booth in the flesh.
- OaKoAk: A french street artist who is kind of awesome.
- Some shots from Vhils‘ latest solo show in Portugal.
- Someone is placing “hipster traps” around NYC.
- Shepard Fairey’s Revolutions show looks pretty cool.
- Check out Contra Projects’ booth and murals from Scope NYC.
- The LA Police are trying to interfere with a graffiti writer’s art career by not allowing him to use his name (Smear) with anything relating to his artwork. And then they arrested him.
- Just rediscovered this piece from last year by WorldWarWon where he “graffiti-ed” an iceberg.
- Tika has a show coming up in Berlin.
- Galo, 2051 and Ottograph have a show opening soon in San Fransisco at Lower Haters Gallery.
Photo by Galo