Guerrilla Spam recently took over a tunnel in Turin’s Parco del Valentino for their “Shit Art Fair,” competing with the malls that call themselves “art fairs” and putting art up on the street rather than in a hyper-commercial space. With nothing for sale, it’s a shitty art fair indeed, but a great street art installation. In addition Guerrilla Spam’s own work, they included pieces by JBRock, Galo and others.
Astrotwitch – whose playful, colorful paste-ups and stickers have graced Washington DC’s visual landscape for a while now – has been busy at work curating an exhibit. “With Love and Care,” opening this Saturday evening, May 4 from 7-11pm at the Fridge, brings together seven international artists who have shared their one-of-a-kind hand painted posters in public spaces. On exhibit will be select posters and original paintings by these artists — mounted by Astrotwitch on painted and tagged frames fashioned from found wood. In addition to Astrotwitch and Decoy from DC, featured artists include: the Berlin-based Argentinian artist, Alanzacion; Portland, Oregon’s N.O. Bonzo and Circleface; MAR! from LA and Galo from Sao Paulo. As you can see from this sampling, their work is quite diverse; what binds them together is their commitment to sharing unsanctioned original artwork on the streets of their cities.
N.O. BonzoAlanizGalo
The exhibit continues through May 26 at 516 1/2 8th Street, SE in Washington DC.
Galo has a solo show coming up this month at his gallery, Galo Art Gallery, in Turin, Italy. I meet a lot of artists. Some are more serious than others. Galo is one of those artists who just seem absolutely possessed with a need to paint at all times, and he’s created his own crowded little world with that obsession. Galovision should be a nice immersion in that world for anyone fortunate enough to be in Turin to see it. The show opens February 9th from 5:30-9pm and runs through March 30th.
Logan Hicks in progress. Photo courtesy of Logan HIcks
Here’s the latest from the T&J Art Walk in Oslo. Previously, we’ve posted about Faile and Shepard Fairey‘s murals for the event, and Brooklyn Street Art has some photos of what The London Police are working on. Most recently, D*face, Galo and Logan Hicks have finished their walls. Art Walk’s indoor exhibition to benefit Human Rights Watch also opened at Blomqvist opened on the 19th. But here are the new walls…
D*face. Photo by Ole Walter JacobsenGalo. Photo by Ole Walter JacobsenLogan Hicks. Photo by Ole Walter JacobsenLogan Hicks. Photo by Ole Walter Jacobsen
Photos by Ole Walter Jacobsen and courtesy of Logan Hicks
Faile have been painting this week in Oslo in preparation for the T&J Art Walk taking place this month for the benefit of Human Rights Watch. Faile are the first artists to get to Olso and start painting for the event, but Shepard Fairey, Logan Hicks, D*face, The London Police, Seen, Fenx, Galo and others will be taking part as well. In addition to 10 murals in central Oslo celebrating the work of Human Rights Watch and memorializing the victims of last month’s terror attack, there will be an exhibition from August 18th through September 4th at the Norwegian auction house Blomqvist for the benefit of Human Rights Watch.
So much going on behind the scenes this week for a couple of upcoming events. Can’t wait to say more. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to write about one of them. Here’s what I didn’t have a chance to post about this week:
Galo and Pixelpancho in Miami (click to view large)
Well, I was expecting to see my family today, but snow in London have half of them stuck there. Luckily, snow where I am in Colorado is keeping me busy. Too busy to post very much unfortunately. Here’s what I’ve been missing:
Sometimes Mint and Serf (who work together as Mirf) do some interesting things. Other times that say crazy things. In an interview with Brooklyn Street Art, Mint said this “So back in April I designed the original Mirf poster and put a bunch of them in Russia. It was one of the first times I’ve seen graffiti being put up on the street but with wheat paste.” While he’s not taking credit for inventing wheatpasting for graffiti, he’s definitely taking too much credit for something that isn’t particularly innovative in 2010.
This coming Thursday, Galo Art Gallery will be opening The Italian Job, a solo show from The London Police. Galo Art Gallery is Galo‘s relatively new gallery space in Torino, Italy. For me, this is probably the most interesting show that Galo has hosted so far.
My Addiction Gallery isn’t the only new space opening this week. The Italian street artist Galo is opening a gallery in Torino, Italy. Galo Art Gallery will start out with a solo show from Galo, but then each month will bring a new artist to Torino. Sounds like it will be a real labor of love.