As you may have seen mentioned on my Twitter, I’ve been working with a few artists that I admire to make a series of t-shirts.
Today, the first three in a line of Vandalog t-shirts are available online. All three are designs are artworks by people that I admire. These aren’t your standard artist collaborations though. There are a few things that make these shirts unique. Yes, Vandalog now has a clothing label, but nowhere on these t-shirts will you find the Vandalog name. This project was conceived as being about the artists as much as possible. Additionally, these aren’t the sort of thing that you’ll find 40 of in every Urban Outfitters throughout the world. There are less than shirts 40 with each design in the world. That was intentional. These t-shirts are screenprints, except that they were printed on fabric instead of paper and they aren’t signed by the artists. Luckily, all these shirts are significantly cheaper than screenprints on paper, at $30 each plus shipping.
So who was involved? Gaia, Troy Lovegates aka Other and Faro have contributed designs to this clothing label/experiment.

Gaia’s shirt is an edition of 37. Gaia is a young street artist (and blogger for this site) based between Baltimore and New York. There’s still about one week left to see his current show with Lex & Sten in New York City. The artwork is a portrait of his grandfather, which you may have seen outside.

Faro’s shirt is an edition of 34. Faro is a mummy-obsessed artist and graffiti writer who you may have seen around New York City. His graffiti is cool and it’s how we at Vandalog first heard about Faro, but his drawings are what really sets him apart, which is why Faro’s shirt is based on this drawing.

Troy Lovegates aka Other’s shirt is an edition of 35. Troy Lovegates is a Canadian artist who likes to draw outside, often with his friend Labrona, as well as make beautiful prints and paintings indoors. I’d say Troy is probably my favorite Canadian street artist. Also, he recently had a cool book of his art published.
All these shirts are available now at Vandalog’s online shop for $30 each plus shipping.