Happy birthday to Vandalog. October 15th is the 1st birthday of Vandalog. In the last year, there have been 600-some posts from 7 different writers (not including the Great in 08 series), the addition of Gaia and Elisa Carmichael as contributing writers, interviews with artists like Veng and Matt Small and a bunch of other bits. Well over 1000 people are reading Vandalog every day, and next week I’ll be launching an internet tv series. Basically, it’s grown a lot this year and been extremely fun to write.

Enough self-congratulations. I really want to thank everybody who reads Vandalog and has been supportive of what I’m trying to do with it. And if you haven’t emailed me before, please know that I’m pretty good about responding to just about any email within 24 hours, so if you need any street art related help, do not hesitate to ask. Interaction with the art community is why I post here.