News I missed while in Stavanger

Most of what I was posting while away in Stavanger for Nuart was prewritten so that I could focus on the festival. The downside being that I missed a bunch of cool potential posts over the last few days. So here’s my usual post holiday link wrap-up:

  • Sam3 has a new video animation out (Via Wooster Collective). You can watch it on Vimeo. Oh and on a related note, the first pieces on loan from collectors for The Thousands arrived at my house this weekend, including a piece by Sam3.
  • Also from Wooster Collective is a new piece by Mark Jenkins. A sculpture of a person made of newspaper.
  • JR released this video about the women who were involved with his project in Kibera, Kenya (Via unurth):
  • Juxtapoz has details about Woodward Gallery Keith Haring show in New York City (which opened September 12th)
  • Another photo has been released for Adam Neate’s October solo show at Elms Lesters (via Arrested Motion). “A New Understanding” opens October 9th. This could be the street art exhibition of the year, though I’m not feeling this new work as might as I’d expected.
    adam neate