The latest from Klone


Klone has some new work up in Tel Aviv. Here’s a sample.



And check out Facing Klone, an article about Klone written by Hagi Kenaan, a professor of philosophy at Tel Aviv University:

Their presence on the streets of Tel-Aviv has become so clear in the last two years: what is the kind of voice that enunciates itself in Klone’s images? How do Klone’s human-alien-predators speak to us, as they unexpectedly surface on buildings, houses, walls, street corners, power boxes, doors, entryways, doorframes and windowsills, as they flicker – appearing and disappearing – on Marmorek, Yehuda Halevi, Shenkin, Lillienblum and Herzl streets; on Rothchild Boulevard, or in the Florentin and the Old Central Bus Station districts; in the Dizzengof Square area, the old Tel-Aviv Theater on Pinsker Street, in Bezalel Market and northward along Ben Yahuda Street? How should we listen to the voice of these images?

Keep reading Facing Klone here.