The Mongrel has an interesting interview up with Cake. Cake is a New York wheatpaster, and she was recently in Prescription Art‘s Outside In show. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of Cake or not, the interview has some interesting stuff about the etiquette of pasting.

Here’s a short excerpt
“It is strange for me to see long time pasters still go out and paste blindly- with no regard to what lives on the surface before they get to it. Its complete disrespect. It also says something important about the paster- that they are unaware of the environment in which they are adding to/ working with. Which is also strange- I once put a sticker over Naks and then posted a photo of myself doing it. It wasn’t until the community pointed it out that I realized it. I hadn’t even noticed the tag when I was there. My practice changed immediately after that. Now I am hyper aware of where I place my work. I go out with respect.”
Cake isn’t the first artist that I’ve heard say something like that. Maybe it’s a pattern. Wheatpaste artists start out just pasting anywhere, and then, after a big mistake or two, they get conscientious of the rest of the scene and learn to respect it even more.