That was a long week. But at least it was a fun one too. For one thing, Jill Cohen was in town for a show at my university. Definitely have a look at her drawings. That’s some crazy skill. Here’s the art news I’ve been reading:
- Col has a show coming up very soon at Orchard Windows Gallery in New York.
- Shai Dahan, Ollio and Ekta got together to paint in Sweden.
- Roger Gastman has directed an upcoming film about the earliest modern graffiti writers (is that term a contradiction?).
- Shepard Fairey’s latest print is called Eat The Rich. I hate to be the one to call him out on this one since many will understandably perceive it as hypocritical of me, but can a millionaire artist really legitimately make that statement? I know he is a hard-working guy who has been at this for decades, but then the proper time for that rhetoric was 20 years ago. Not when his art sells for hundreds of thousands to millionaires and his overpriced t-shirts are found in the fanciest clothing stores. Plus, the man is a committed and unashamed capitalist. Thoughts? Maybe he is just using the phrase as an example of a culture he is interested in, rather than as part of an intended propaganda poster?
- The Vacuum Cleaner is hilarious!
- Agents of Change members Remi/Rough, LX.One, Steve More and Augustine Kofie painted what may be London’s largest mural just across from King’s Cross.
Photo by Kriebel