I’m headed to Nuart next week, so expect updates to be sporadic any maybe Nuart-focused. Should be a great festival. Here’s what I missed this week:
- Labrona, Roadsworth and some other top Canadians will be showing together in Toronto this weekend.
- This beautiful mural is by Theis Wendt, Simon Hjermind Jensen, Anders Schmidt and Silas Inoue.
- Roid goes black and white.
- Like Andy Warhol Foundation and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s estate, the Keith Haring Foundation is going to stop authenticating Haring’s work.
- Invader goes underwater with Jason deCaires Taylor.
- This still life has to be one of Aryz’ best walls yet.
- BSA has some great Occupy-related signs and street art.
- Speaking of protest art, some revolutionary graffiti and street art was recently painted over in Egypt and that’s been causing quite a stir, with Egypt’s prime minister backing the artists and even calling for more revolutionary graffiti.
- And back to NYC for more protest art. This time it’s some fantastic fake advertising for the fine services of the NYPD, which of course the NYPD is not happy about… Luckily I hear that at least one of these posters was saved by a fan.
- What do people think about this work from ABOVE pointing out the 24% unemployment in Spain? A mural that simply points out such a depressing fact without any obvious rage or anything behind it seems to me like it’s doing practically the opposite of what murals should do, but maybe it’s a good way of making that fact more known. Thoughts?
Photo by Stinkfish