New images from Ludo

Ludo has a made couple of new images for his ongoing Nature’s Revenge project. Luckily, Jake pointed these out over on Streetsy, because I’ve been traveling all day and I needed to find something interesting but quick to post. I think the above beetle is one of Ludo’s technically strongest images yet.

If you have any suggestions of places I should check out while I’m in NYC for a few days, let me know in the comments. Tomorrow, I’m planning to stop by Joshua Liner Gallery, Jonathan LeVine Gallery and MoMA.

Photos by Ludo

New from Ludo

Just a quick post today because I finished an internship today and I’m going out with friends to celebrate.

Ludo has some new work up.

First, this piece on a boat (cue the song):


And what I think is one of my favorite Ludo pieces ever:
