Recent pieces by three of my favorite Brazilians: Titifreak, Flip and Nunca.

Elisa x
Admittedly, I’m at least a few days late on this one, but nonetheless it’s worth posting about the most recent shows at the Carmichael Gallery. In their main space is Hush, Flip is in the rear gallery, and Veng has a few pieces in the “showcase space.” Here’s a couple of photos:
More photos from Hush’s show the jump… Continue reading “Carmichael Gallery Exhibits”
Brazilian street artist Flip has a solo show soon at The Carmichael Gallery in LA. Here’s some preview photos and the PR. I haven’t seen too much of Flip’s work before, but it looks to be pretty beautiful stuff.
“Seiva Bruta”
A solo exhibition of new artwork by Flip
Opening reception: Thursday, March 5th 2009 / 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Exhibition Dates: March 5th – March 26th 2009
Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art is proud to present Seiva Bruta, the
first West Coast solo exhibition of work by Brazilian artist Flip. Artwork
featured in the exhibition will include acrylic, ink and mixed media on
wood, canvas, and paper as well as a site specific installation. An opening
reception will be held on Thursday, March 5th, 2009 from 7.00pm – 10.00pm
with Flip in attendance. The exhibition will be open for viewing through
Thursday, March 26th, 2009 from 1.00pm – 7.00pm.In Seiva Bruta, Flip continues his exploration of the natural world and the
relationships that exist within it. In this new body of work, he interprets
plant sap as the blood of plants, comparing and contrasting it with the
blood of animals.“I make a parallel between the fluid and the blood,” comments Flip. “Nerves,
veins, and roots.feelings, diseases, patterns all mixed up.”With an environmentally-flavored color palette and textural variations
created by a unique approach to Asian calligraphy, Flip offers a fresh,
intuitive voice to the international contemporary art scene.
More photos after the jump… Continue reading “Flip Comes to LA”
I wouldn’t normally have my only post for a day be about a gallery that I’ve never even had the privilage of seeing in person, but I found some exciting news about Carmichael Gallery in LA.
Right now, they have a solo show with Chris Stain on called “Up on The Roof Countin’ Pigeons”, which is cool in its own right.
The shows after that are what I’m particularly excited about though. March 5th sees the opening of solo shows are Carmichael Gallery by Hush, Flip, and Veng. Can’t wait for these.
Photos from Carmichael Galley and Veng