If you looked at Vandalog this week, you’d think it was a slow week in street art. That’s not so, but I’ve been locked down working on Up Close and Personal (opening pics here). So here’s some of what I missed covering this week:
- This post at Brooklyn Street Art has the info on a number of shows that are opening or have opened recently (Hellbent and John Breiner in Brooklyn, Matt Siren in NYC, Chicago street artists in Chicago, Ad Hoc Art’s show at New Puppy Gallery in LA, Specter at Pawn Works in Chicago and The London Police in Denver).
- Moneyless has hit FAME Festival.
- Great ad disruptions in Lisboa.
- Just photographing Boxi.
- Emarama has a zine of her Dropmen characters (available here).
- I’m a fan of TYPE’s work in London, and Richard Mellor has put together a Google Map of the pieces.
- Gaia has put up one of my favorite pieces from him ever, and has a show opening with the talented Nanook next week in Baltimore. My Love For You’s post on all that is pretty much exactly what I would have posted.
- Roa’s been getting up in San Francisco with some great pieces.
- Malarky, Sweet Toof and Mr. Penfold have been collaborating on roll-gates in London.
- Eine’s latest print, Change, goes on sale at Nelly Duff on May 18th. 30% of profits will go to charity.
Photo by Sabeth718