It seems that the world never slows down. I’m supposed to be on vacation and it’s been one of my busiest weeks all year, so here’s what’s been going on elsewhere across the web:
- Ron English interviews Shepard Fairey.
- Shepard Fariey’s show at Stolenspace in London opened this week. Here are plenty of photos.
- I wrote an article for the Mural Arts Program’s blog.
- Ever thought that Times Square would look a lot better covered in art instead of ads? Well so have a lot of people, and now Times Square Art Square is trying to make that vision a reality. They have a Kickstarter going to try to fund the idea.
- JR has a new mural up in DC.
- Le Plagiste Cie painted these charming tributes to some famous major corporations.
- Doyle New York’s street art auction set a record for Margaret Kilgallen, but much of the rest of the auction went as expected.
Photo by El Curiot