Ranging from first-rate graffiti to folksy installations, the walls in Bushwick, Brooklyn are among the most intriguing anywhere. Here’s a sampling of what we saw today:

I always find myself checking out rooftops from subway platforms and any train traveling above ground. I love them all, but the rooftop of the Rebel Diaz Arts Collective in the South Bronx is not your ordinary rooftop. Two of the following images — the No Human Being Is Illegal mural and the surreal turquoise face — were created by Dasic Fernandez. I’m not sure about the others, but here is a sampling:
Photos by Lenny Collado
Cekis had mentioned to me that he was painting up in the Bronx, and I expected to find him at work on a wall. But when we got up there today, he and Chilean graffiti muralist Dasic Fernandez were painting a bus. Dasic explained that the bus is one of about 35 that will be will be transporting food and medical supplies to Cuba. They will travel next to Canada and eventually be transferred to a boat in Mexico that will bring them to Havana.