I am headed to Cairo in a couple of hours for a family vacation and then to the states to visit a few universities, so I expect have only limited internet access for the next week and a half or so. I’ll get in a couple of updates in that time (including 2-3 interviews), but they will probably come in spurts and I definitely won’t be posting daily.
One place I’ll be headed is New York City. I’m going to be looking for things to see there (art and otherwise), so if you have any suggestions please email me – rj(at)vandalog(dot)com.
In the mean time, here’s a few things I’ve been meaning to post:
- Boxi’s show at The Carmichael Gallery is going to have a cool print release to go along with it, and part of the edition will go onto eBay as soon as the show opens. ‘Sell Out Is The New Buy In’ is a print about the state of the current art market, so why not put it on eBay?
- Not Banksy has been putting out some interesting work.
- So have the guys in Tel Aviv.
- And Gaia’s latest stuff is pretty cool (though I can’t get this video of his to play all the way through).
- Urban Angel’s show 2000 and Down opened today.
- Finally, these are two shows I will definitely be stopping by when I am in New York: Phil Forst and PosterBoy.
Photo by mediageek