Mike Marcus has recently put a number of prints up for sale on Auction Saboteur. These include his Isolitude image, Lucy, and a number of images from his Exogamy series. Check them out here.
Mike Marcus has recently put a number of prints up for sale on Auction Saboteur. These include his Isolitude image, Lucy, and a number of images from his Exogamy series. Check them out here.
So Auction Saboteur released two new exclusive canvases today for not very much.
First, Lee Ellis has this black and white stencil of a woman.
It’s for sale at only £125 (edition of 10).
Second, is T*3. I hadn’t seen his work before today, but as you can see from the image below, he’s not bad. I mean, who doesn’t like images of girls in short skirts?
This canvas is £150 and also edition of 10.
Auction Saboteur will be one year old this week so its time for a little celebration, this Thursday at the Mutate Show from 7pm. It will also be the last Thursday party with the Mutoid Waste Crew, it will be great night. Sausages on sticks, cheese and pickled onions, mince pies as well fizzy pop and lots of rum. Not to forget a special Mucky dip and possibly the best show in Britain right now.
The end is nigh, mutate of die !!!
Send and email to info@auctionsaboteur.com and the first 150 people with ‘happy birthday’ in the subject bar will be placed on the guest list.
Here is a pic of one of the exclusive Mutate Britain Ceramic Spray cans by the Baroness that could be won in the £5 Mucky dip on the night.
Also there will be three special other exclusives released this thursday, half on the night half the next day online at www.auctionsaboteur.com