I wish I could see this show in person, but alas I’m still in London (though a New York trip is just around the corner). Factory Fresh’s latest show is A Hounding Obsession with Deeker, Armer, Darkcloud and Goreb. It opens on Friday November 13th at Factory Fresh, 7-10pm.

Factory Fresh says:
This November, Factory Fresh brings together four elusive artists who each work seamlessly in between the worlds of graffiti and streetart. These two art forms look identical to the untrained eye but in actuality are more like brawling brothers to those who are part of the movement. Artists Armer, Darkcloud, Goreb and Deeker are a few exceptions. Each of their work ranges on the street one day a large scale mural, another day carefully placed signs or paintings, sometimes even a junk sculpture is installed onto a crowded street. As a result these artists cannot be dismissed by any group of urban artists and have been validated by their acceptance from multiple ranges of critcs.

![Deeker Deeker. Photo by g[wiz]](https://blog.vandalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/539556044_a29066fab6_b.jpg)