Arrested Motion curates: City of Fire

The team at Arrested Motion have curated their second show, and it is set to open in LA next month. City of Fire opens June 5th at Stephen Webster. The show includes work by Ron English, Kid Zoom, Pedro Matos, Nick Walker, Rostarr, Jeff Soto, Judith Supine, TrustoCorp and others. For more info about the show, email exhibitions [at] arrestedmotion (dot) com.

Photo courtesy of Arrested Motion

Ghostpatrol – “Cosmic Scale and the Super Future” at Backwoods Gallery

Opening this Friday is Ghostpatrol‘s new show “Cosmic Scale and the Super Future”. Once you see GP‘s characters you’ll know why he is so loved in Melbourne’s street art scene. I LOVE walking down Brunswick st, Fitzroy or around Collingwood and finding new GP pasties and characters. <3

I’m really looking forward to his new show opening Friday at Backwoods Gallery.

From the Backwoods Gallery press release:

The universe is a head-caving behemoth; an undefinable entity whose eternal expansion into the emptiness of space is too vast for a species aware of its magnitude yet too caught up in the minutiae of their own existence to contemplate, much less comprehend. Iconic Melbourne artist Ghostpatrol doesn’t claim to have the answer to its secrets, but his quest for understanding a time and place far beyond the blip in history that humans occupy now forms the basis of his forthcoming solo exhibition at Collingwood’s Backwoods Gallery.

Entitled Cosmic Scale and the Super Future and running from Friday 18 May to Wednesday 13 June, the exhibition comprises five large scale works – the size somewhat appropriate given the epic scope of the subject matter Ghostpatrol is tackling.

Across this new series of paintings on linen, the artist imagines shapes and forms created in the super future, beyond human kind in the great transformations of matter and dark matter in the cosmos.

That’s not to say that the work presented is intense in nature, with Ghostpatrol’s highly stylised worlds inhabited by characters as curious about their place on the canvas as their artist is about his in the cosmos. “My studies of cosmology and the evolving quantum theory set the scene for the worlds I create,” says Ghostpatrol, noting the recent work of scientists Michio Kaku and Brian Cox as inspirational touchstones.

And even if the empty space of the vast unknown is beyond you, Ghostpatrol’s passion makes the unfathomable not just real but a place not to fear.

More preview photos after the jump… Continue reading “Ghostpatrol – “Cosmic Scale and the Super Future” at Backwoods Gallery”

Jaz heads to Barcelona for a solo show

"Chicos 2" by Jaz

Franco Fasoli, better known as Jaz, has his first European solo show this week in Barcelona at RAS Gallery. The show, curated by Maximiliano Ruiz, opens on May 17th from 7:30-10pm and runs through June 16th. Jaz is one of my favorite street artists, and his work really should to be seen in person to be properly appreciated. I saw him finished one of the pieces for this show when we were in Baltimore last week, and it was quite spectacular. Check after the jump for more of a preview of the show…

Continue reading “Jaz heads to Barcelona for a solo show”

Bue and friends

Bue in Berlin

Bue never fails to put a smile on my face. Here’s some of his most recent pieces, including collaborations with Mazuprozak, Squid, Sheryo and Jamz.

Squid and Bue in Ghent
Mazuprozak and Bue in Ghent
Mazuprozak, Bue, Sheryo and Jamz

Photos by Bue

Next in the Kidult/Marc Jacobs saga: Kidult’s own shirts

Kidult's shirt in pink

The love/hate affair between Kidult and Marc Jacbos (here and here) continues… First Kidult painted the word “ART” on a Marc Jacobs store in New York. Then Marc Jacobs began tweeting about the piece as if it were created intentionally and selling a t-shirt with a photo of the defaced storefront for $698. Now, Kidult is making his own similar shirts, editions of 50 in white and 50 in pink, which will sell for €6.98.

Marc Jacobs’ shirt is available at the Marc Jacobs shop on Mercer Street in New York.

Kidult’s shirts will be available online at Kidult’s webstore at 3pm Eastern time on Wednesday, May 16th.

I still can’t figure out for sure of this whole series of events is a secret collaboration between Kidult and Marc Jacobs, or just two parties generating publicity and money through an actual fight/game of one-upsmanship. It’s a bit of a street art soap opera. Is Kidult working for Marc Jacobs? ISN’T HE?

Kidult's shirt in white

Photos courtesy of Kidult

Other and Labrona from Philadelphia to Baltimore

Other and Labrona at Haverford College. Photo by RJ Rushmore

Earlier this month, Labrona and Troy Lovegates aka Other came down from Canada for a few days. Their first stop was Haverford, the small Philadelphia suburb where I go to college. At Haverford College, they painted a mural on the same building that Gaia painted last year. Then, they spent less than 24 hours in Baltimore, but took advantage of every second for painting and getting up. In Baltimore, Martha Cooper invited them to paint in SoWeBo, a part of town where she has been photographing the residents.

Other and Labrona in Baltimore. Photo by Martha Cooper

Check out more photos from Haverford and Baltimore after the jump… Continue reading “Other and Labrona from Philadelphia to Baltimore”

Faif understands. Do you?

Faif understands public self-expression vs. the law

This is my running hypothesis: Sarcasm is how self-aware, suburban youth make sense of urban culture. Faif understands. Do you?

Faif understands necklace symbolism
Faif understands the quality of the buff
Faif understands the directions that hats are worn
"Graffiti is not graffiti without a big moustache." Faif, Magik, and Menor understand the graffiti aesthetic.

Photos by Faif

Erica il Cane show and murals in Ghent

Erica il Cane recently painted three sides of an artists’ studio space, Het vogelnest vzw, in the Belgian city of Ghent. He will also be showing his work inside the space on the 19th-20th of May and there is a “street art night” on the 19th with lectures by Sarah Rombouts, Peter Bosschaert, Harlan Levey and Javier Abarca, and a screening of Exit Through the Gift Shop. For more info on those events, check out the studio’s website. You can see all Erica il Cane’s murals after the jump… Continue reading “Erica il Cane show and murals in Ghent”