Weekend link-o-rama


It’s time to talk about what other people have been talking about:

Photo by GoddoG

Wild Style Wednesday!

Amour. Photo by Morac19.

Half the can I used to be. And a day late, but that’s RJ’s fault.

Piece and photo by Sokem
Tag by Sniper. Photo by Herbalizer.
Shane. Photo by Morac19.
Ponk and 3Dom. Photo by Heavy Artillery
Size in London. Photo by HowAboutNo!
Jeroo. Photo by From Around The Wizzle.
NDSM. Photo by Wojofoto.
Getup by HowAboutNo!
WORDsmiths by Takt. Photo by Spam Crew.
Dscreet. Photo by HowAboutNo!

Photos by From Around The WizzleHeavy ArtilleryHerbalizerHowAboutNo!Morac19Sokem, Spam Crew, and Wojofoto

AM’s “City of Fire” show at Stephen Webster

Judith Supine

City of Fire, the latest exhibition curated by Arrested Motion, is open now through July 31st at Stephen Webster’s LA showroom. There’s work from Ron English, James Jean, Kid Zoom, Pedro Matos, Jeff Soto, Judith Supine, Adam Wallacavage and more. Here’s some of the highlights. Arrested Motion has more photos.

Jeff Soto
Ron English
Kid Zoom
Judith Supine
Judith Supine

Photos by Carlos Gonzalez for Arrested Motion

Stay High 149 passes away at 61

Stay High 149, aka Wayne Roberts, has passed away this week at the age of 61. He was a pioneer and an innovator with his tags and pieces from 1971-1975. He resurfaced in 2000 and his newer tags can still be seen around New York City. You can see his work on flickr and in the book The Faith of Graffiti. Rest in peace.

Here are a few of the many obituaries and reactions to Stay High 149’s death from around the web:

Photo by Break.Things

Escif on a gallery in Rome

This new mural (L’orecchio destro, which translates to The Right Ear) by Escif is on the outside of the Wunderkammern gallery in Rome. It is part of a new series for him called Suspension of Disbelief. Here’s how he describes the project:

The artist will explore new paradigms, question borders, fast forward into new uncomfortable grounds, provoke wonder and divergence thinking. The artists will suspend the viewers’ disbelief and let them access new possible dimensions.

Photo courtesy of Wunderkammern