Supakitch x Koralie Mini Doc

Just found this even though it was uploaded about a month ago. My favorite street art couple, Supakitch and Koralie, have a mini documentary about their new project with POSCA (some marker brand). I hardly hear about these two, so it is nice to see them resurface. Although, their cuteness overload as a couple makes me want to hurl.


SUPAKITCH x KORALIE x POSCA from elr°y on Vimeo.

Animated Paul Insect x Sweet Toof in London

Good to see Paul Insect getting up in London on his recent trip to London in February. And with Sweet Toof, even better. Here’s a video of the work that RJ posted a link to a picture in February. If anyone knows where this is, let me know. I cannot figure it out, but that’s because I am still shit with figuring my way around London.

Video via Paul Insect

Concrete Voices: a short film about The Living Walls Conference

The Living Walls Conference took place last August in Atlanta and included some Vandalog favorites like Chris Stain, Gaia, Jordan Seiler and Swampy. In fact, Monica Campana, a recent addition to the Vandalog bloggers, organized Living Walls (and that plays into the series of coincidences of how we met, but that’s a story for another day). Christine Sylvain just posted this short video from the conference:

CONCRETE VOICES from Birds of Prey Productions on Vimeo.

I’m also pleased to say that Living Walls will be taking place again this summer, and in two locations. There will be a conference in Atalanta again in August, plus another one in Albany, NY from the 16th-18th of September. For more info or if you think you would like to help make this year’s Living Walls conferences a success, email for Altanta or for Albany.

Brick Lane in Art trailer

Since the fall of 2009, Shafiur Rahman has been filming a documentary about London’s Brick Lane, and a big part of Brick Lane is the recent connection to street art. Many regulars in the London street art community have probably seen Shafiur around filming and I’ve even been interviewed a bit for the film myself. It looks like a really interesting project and he’s been getting footage of some talented artists and staples of the Brick Lane street art community. The trailer for the film is finally ready, so check it out below. Even my haters reading should enjoy this, as the trailer gives you a brief look how abnormally long my neck is, haha! Seriously though, I am looking forward to seeing the finished film.

Brick Lane in Art: The other side from Shafiur Rahman on Vimeo.

Weekend link-o-rama

Escif, whose interview in a recent issue of Juxtapoz is really good

It was sunny and 65 today in Philly. It’s going to be back to snow by next week, but in the mean time, it looks like those of us on the East coast are having a great end to our week are hopefully spending some time outdoors. If you do happen to be inside this weekend though, here are some things worth checking out:

Photo by Escif